Unannounced Visit

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Charlotte's POV

I was sitting on my bed when Mary entered, she looked like she could kill me so I just sat there motionlessly. "I dunno what you did but your mother wants full custody of you" Mary scoffed and I couldn't believe it she wants custody! Of me! "Now you listen to me we've got a social workers review and I want you on on best behaviour" she said sternly. For the first time she actually sounded like a parent in two years.

Two Hours later.

I was beat it was a long day and all I wanted to do was sleep but of course that wasn't easy with Jerry around. He came into the room and sat on my bed I immediately shot upright, he stroked my hair and looked me up and down, I knew all too well what was happening. He pulled me in close to him and I wiggled and squirmed trying to escape his deathly grasp but he had a tight hold on me. He was on top of me I was crying but he didn't care he just enjoyed watching me beg. I heard Mary open the front door so I screamed as loud as I could "help! Help me!" I screamed and I heard my mom yelling....

Olivia's POV

I called to Charlie's I'd talked to Barba and he was able to win the custody battle but of course that lousy excuse of a mother was too high to even know what was going on so I went to collect Charlie straight away instead of in the morning. When I got to the door Mary answered and didn't look to happy.

"Get your ass off my property!" she yelled but I wasn't going anywhere without Charlotte.

"Help! Help me!" I heard her yell so I punched Mary in the face and ran up the stairs I saw Charlotte being raped I didn't have my gun and my detective instincts were completely abandoned by my motherly love and I just screamed.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO MY CHILD!!!" He turned around and hit me so hard that I fell to the floor. I felt blood ooze out of my nose and then everything started to become black.

Charlotte's POV

"Mom! Mommy!" I screamed I sounded like a five year old out of fear. She was on the floor and Jerry was standing over her I couldn't let him rape her too. "LEAVE HER ALONE!" I screamed trying to take his attention away from her but that didn't work. All I could do was watch but of course I didn't want to, he forced me to. He had a knife (which he always carried with him I dunno why) and every time I looked away he'd cut her I cried the whole time but it was worse when she woke up. I never thought it was gonna end until he got up and ran out the door. I saw Olivia lying motionlessly on the floor, I found a pulse but it was light and there was no breathing. "MOM!" I screamed. She couldn't hear me, it must've been because of blood loss, she was bleeding out, her wrists were slashed and there was nothing I could do. I tried putting pressure but I only have two hands. I grabbed her phone and dialed 911 and then I dialed Elliot.

"Hey liv you pick up Charlotte?" he asked and hearing this I started to cry.

"I-it's Charlie Olivia's o-on the floor she's bleeding I-I can't get it to stop" I sobbed.

"Did you call 911?"

"Yeah but I don't think she's gonna make it Elliot I'm scared"

"It's OK just keep the pressure OK" he said. I stayed on the phone to him and did as he said until the paramedics arrived. Shortly after Elliot arrived and I jumped into his arms I know he's not my father but it feels like he is. He makes me feel safe the way my dad used to.

"Will she die?" I asked burring my head in his chest.

"I dunno" he whispered softly stroking my hair

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