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A well deserved sequel for my favourite book 😊

"Arghh" Lisa groaned in her sleep as she tossed to her other side. It had been over a month since their last break, and a month since Lisa had turned into a kid, and they hadn't had a rest ever since, travelling country to country for the tour. But they had a few weeks of rest before attending few more shows and Lisa had never been so grateful for sleep.

She had already planned out her whole week. Sleep, sleep, eat, watch tv, sleep, eat, sleep, watch tv, sleep, eat, and sleep. It was the first morning, and Lisa was sleeping soundly in her bed, with complete silence, something that should have worried the grey haired woman, but she was far too tired to think.

In the middle of her fifth dream, she felt two figures crawl up on top of her. "Arghh, go away Leo." She turned away from the pets. Again, she felt another start jumping on top of her. "Luca, tell your brother to stop." She mumbled out, still half asleep.

"Wake up!" She felt a small hand slap her cheek. Lisa's eyes shot open. "Cats don't have hands!" She thought to herself in horror, as she sat up and saw who the figures were.

"Ahh!" She screamed as she saw her Unnies- can she still call them Unnies? Well Jennie, Jisoo, and Chaeyoung were all kids! Jisoo was still on top of her and Jennie was on her side still slapping her cheek. Chaeyoung was off standing to the side, waiting patiently for Lisa to wake up.

The three kids winced simultaneously and covered their ears. "No screaming please." Jisoo said and pouted cutely. "Ya! Don't scare us!" Jennie said and crossed her arms with a pout. Lisa was left speechless. "Uhh, Sorry." She apologized, still thinking that this was just a dream. The blonde that was standing on the side crawled on top of the bed and sat near Lisa. "It's okay Unnie. Just don't do it again."

"Unnie?!" Lisa screamed in her head but stayed silent. "But can you make me something to eat. My tummy's making noise." Chaeyoung said and poked Lisa on her cheeks. "Ya! I'm hungry!!" Jisoo started bouncing on top of the grey haired woman. Lisa groaned. "Ya, ya. Stop with the jumping Jisoo Unnie- I mean Jisoo."

The three kids all followed Lisa to the kitchen. "Alright, let's have you guys up here so I can keep an eye on you-Not that I don't trust you or anything." Lisa said and placed them on the kitchen counter. "I wanna have ramen!" "I wanna eat mandu!" "I wanna have green peppers!" They all yelled out simultaneously.

Lisa shook her head. "Y'all are going to eat Pancakes, because that is the healthy food option. It's also the only thing I know how to make." She added the last sentence in a whisper. And she began to take the ingredients out. "Can one of you guys mind telling me how you all turned into kids?"

Jennie just smiled brightly and shook her head no. "No thanks, Unnie." Jisoo giggled and highfived Jennie for that response. Chaeyoung began to whine and reached out her hands. "Carry me!" "I can't-" Lisa began to say since she is in the middle of cooking, but the blonde girl's eyes began to well up with tears.

"Hey! You made Chaeng cry!" Jennie and Jisoo noticed and pointed accusingly to Lisa. "I-I didn't mean too. Come here." She lifted up Chaeyoung in one of her arms and continued on. She felt a tug on her shirt and turned to look at Jennie who had puppy eyes. "I wanna get carried too." Lisa inwardly groaned. "Afterwards." "But that's not fair!" Lisa took a deep breath and turned off the stove. "Alright come here." She managed to pick Jennie up with her other arm.

Jisoo, who was sitting on the counter pouted. "What about me?" She asked sadly. Lisa opened her mouth and stared helplessly. "I can only carry two kids at a time. I only have two arms." Lisa said, struggling with Chaeyoung and Jennie who were moving around in her hold. "That's not fair!" Jisoo shouted out and stood up onto the counter and waited until Lisa turned around to jump onto her back.

"Arck!" Lisa made out a war cry like noise, when Jisoo hands found their grip on her neck. "Jisoo, you're choking me." Lisa said, struggling to breath and carry three kids at once. "Stop moving then!" Jisoo yelled out and jabbed her feet into the sides of Lisa, kicking at her ribs, trying to find a good foothold.

"Alright, why don't you guys watch cartoons." Lisa wheezed out and hurriedly rushed to the living room to dump them all onto the couch. "Whee!" They yelled out from the drop. "Cartoons!" Chaeyoung yelled out excitedly and scooched backwards on the couch to lie down as she watched.

"Tsk. I'm too big for cartoons." Jennie said as she crossed her arms and put on her best angry face. Jisoo hummed in agreement. "Ya, we're big girls, and don't need these." She said and mimicked Jennie's stance. Chaeyoung sat up and looked at them sadly. "No more toons?" She asked sadly.

"No, no. There will still be cartoons." Lisa said and flipped through the channels. She found one that she wasn't interested in so she can go back to cook. Which proved difficult, since Lisa watched practically every one. She finally found one, and headed back towards the kitchen to continue cooking.

She managed to make a few before she heard loud wails and screams coming from the living room, Lisa sighed and turned off the stove again to go check up on her Unnies, or rather the Maknaes.

While the three were watching the cartoons, Jennie had picked up the remote and began to mess with all the buttons, and laughed at the weird icons popping up onto the screen. Jisoo joined in and laughed as well. "No!" Chaeyoung yelled out as she couldn't see the cartoons anymore.

Jisoo wanted to have her own fun, and tried to snatch the remote out of Jennie's grip, causing the two of them to end up in a tug of war. "Let go! And let me try!" Jisoo said as she struggled to take it. "I'm younger than you! And cuter! So you should give me it." Jennie argued back. In the midst of their arguing, the channel had accidently switched and Chaeyoung yelled out again as she dramatically reached out to the TV with her hand.

Both Jennie and Jisoo turned their heads at the sound and Jennie let go of the remote to go and comfort Chaeyoung, also to tell her that it was Jisoo's fault. The older child, on the other hand, still had a death grip on the remote, so when Jennie let go, she was propelled backwards rolled off of the couch.

"Ahh!" Jisoo screamed out as she fell onto the carpet with a thud.

"What's happening?!" Lisa barged in to see Jisoo on the floor, screaming. Jennie innocently shrugged and discreetly placed the remote in Chaeyoung's hand. Jisoo laid on her back with her arms and legs spread out like a starfish. "Help me." She croaked out, but no tears left her eyes. Even when she's a child, she won't cry. Lisa groaned and crouched down to help Jisoo up.

"Chaengie did it." Jennie said and pointed towards the child who was still staring longingly at the television, wishing for it to switch on. Lisa had a hard time believing it, but she didn't question Jennie, at least not yet. "C'mon, let's go eat pancakes."

At the mention of food, the three heads snapped towards her with a giant smiles on their faces. "Let's go!" Jisoo hopped out of Lisa's arms and ran to the kitchen, with Jennie right beside her, holding Chaeyoung's hands, dragging her along as well.

"I hope this is a dream."

Lisa thought in horror, hearing the loud screams of excitement echo in their dorm. 

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