Fashion Show

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"Fishy!" Chaeyoung yelled as she spotted the orange fish swimming peacefully in its tank. She ran up to it and squealed. "Joohwangie!!" She exclaimed and began to imitate the fish. Jennie ran after Chaeyoung and laughed. "Haha, Rosie posie is a fishy!" "Blob, blob, blob." The two began to puff out their cheeks and pout their lips, making them look like fishes.

"What are you guys doing?" Jisoo asked curiously, as she walked over with Dalgom, Kuma, Leo and Luca following her. "Playing fishy!" Chaeyoung exclaimed, throwing her hands up into the air, and Jennie nodded her head excitedly. "Wanna play Unnie?"

Jisoo pursed her lips and stroked her chin, deep in thought. "I won't be able too." She declined their offer, and both Chaeyoung's and Jennie's faces fell. "What! Why not?!" They yelled in unison. Jisoo winced hearing their loud voices. 

"I have a great responsiblity on my hands right now." She responded. Jennie and Chaeyoung widened their eyes in amazement. "Where's the great responsibility?" They both asked, looking Jisoo's hands which were empty. "No! It's not real!" Jisoo exclaimed.

"I'm now a leader." The eldest child said and puffed out her chest proudly. Jennie and Chaeyoung gave each other confused looks. "A leader?" Jisoo nodded her head and turned around to see all the pets following her. "See? These are my followers." She said proudly. 

"Can I be a leader!" Chaeyoung asked excitedly and raised her hand while bouncing up and down. Jisoo smiled widely. "Sure, but after me." Jisoo said. Jennie narrowed her eyes towards Jisoo. "You're not a leader. There's no way Kuku would follow you. Right Kuku?" Jennie asked Kuma, who wagged his tail. 

"No, I am a leader!" Jisoo defended herself and continued to walk away, until a treat fell from Jisoo's pocket and all the dogs began to munch on it. Jennie and Chaeyoung saw. "Hey! You're not a leader! You're just hiding treats in your pockets." Chaeyoung said, feeling betrayed. 

"N-No, that's not true." Jisoo said and another treat fell from her pocket, and now the cats began to eat it. Her cheeks turned red as she turned around to sprint from the scene of the crime, all the pets sprinting after her in an attempt to eat some more as treats fell along the way. 

"Ah!" Lisa said as Jisoo head butted her in the hips and continued running. "God, this child is violent." Lisa whispered under her breath as she walked down the hallway to where Jennie and Chaeyoung are. 

"Alright, now I had ordered you guys a few clothes online when I first discovered you guys now." Lisa said as she sat down on the carpet with a few bags. "They've finally arrived, so I wanted to give them to you." She pulled out a bunch of outfits from the bags and set them out. 

"Chu! I've got you something." Lisa called out for her and Jisoo came running in, and climbed her way into Lisa's lap. "Yay!" Jisoo said and made herself comfortable. Lisa held onto her with one arm as she sorted through the outfits. 

"Alright, this first outfit is Jennie's." Lisa said and picked up a black pleated Chanel skirt, paired with a black and white Chanel sweater. She also had bought a black beret to complete the outfit.  Jennie opened her mouth in awe seeing it. "Wow! It's so pretty!" She exclaimed and clapped her hands to show her excitement. 

"Thank you, Unnie." Jennie said and approached Lisa to take the outfit and to give her a kiss on the cheek. Lisa chuckled. "And the next one's for Jichu." She said as Jisoo began to bounce happily on Lisa's lap, excited for her new clothes. She picked up a black and gold Young Versace hoodie for her and also matching Young Versace trousers. Lisa also bought a snapback as well. "There, since you love sweats so much." She said and Jisoo cheered. "Yay!!" 

"What bout me?" Chaeyoung asked and pouted, wanting to have a new outfit too. "I got you these." Lisa said and held up a Gucci top, with jeans. "I also have a cute beanie." Lisa handed her a Supreme beanie. "Woah!" Chaeyoung exclaimed. 

"Oh wait, I have something else." Lisa rummage through the bags to pull out a pair of white Doc Martens. Lisa laughed loudly as she handed it to Chaeyoung, who was looking at them, confused. "These are a classic." 

The three kids all got changed, with the help of Lisa, and began to walk down the hallway one by one, like a fashion show. 

Jennie went first, and cat walked-or at least tried to- towards Lisa, who was sitting back and enjoying the show. "I am channel." Jennie said proudly, and Lisa laughed. "It's Chanel." She corrected her and fixed the beret that was slouching off of the side of her face. 

Jisoo came next and struggled to pull her hands out of the arm of the hoodie. "Wow, even as a child you have small limbs." Lisa commented. 

Chaeyoung arrived after, and looked at her shoes curiously. "I don't think I like these shoes, Unnie." She said to Lisa. Lisa laughed loudly. "Well you should get used to those, because you'll be wearing them a lot." She said and Chaeyoung pouted.

Their little show was ruined by a loud ringing of a cell phone, and Lisa leaped across the couch to get it. "Who is it, who is it!" All the kids asked excitedly, as Lisa checked the Caller ID and answered it. 

"Aw man, it's the managers. They said they want us to meet at YG." Lisa said as she ended the phone call. "Let's go!" Jennie said as she ran to the door, happy to get outside. Before Chaeyoung and Jisoo could follow, Lisa hurriedly picked them up off the ground. 

"No no. You guys aren't going anywhere. The managers would freak out if they saw you guys. And would definitely age at least thirty years." Chaeyoung and Jisoo pouted and squirmed in her hold. "But I wanna go!!" Jisoo shouted and whined. Jennie stood by the entrance and crossed her arms. She stomped her foot and put on her best angry face. 

"Take us outside!" She said loudly. Lisa sighed, realizing she had no other choice. "Fine, you guys will get to go outside once I come back. And make sure not to get those clothes dirty!" Lisa let Jisoo and Chaeyoung down as she put on her shoes. 

Before she left, she made a phone call, requesting the person to babysit a few kids for her, and opened the door. 

"I have to return those clothes before all the Unnies turn back to normal. I charged it all on their credit cards. And I don't want to die just yet." Lisa whispered to herself.

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