Part 4

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Mike looked to see the soaking wet boy Troy with a knife "What the hell-" Mike was kicked back to the ground and he was pines down by Troy "This is revenge for what you did to me in school!" Troy said getting closer to Mikes neck then Will pushed Troy off causing Troy to push the knife into Will's stomach causing Will to back up holding the knife trembling he fell down leaning against the couch. Mike then looked at Troy and he pushed him outside punching Tory over and over and over again causing pain in his knuckles but he didn't care Will was stabbed and that caused Mike to go insane he kicked troy,slammed him against the wall of the house, then Nancy came behind and pulled Mike off Tory then crawled slowly regaining strength he then limped home.

Mike ran to Will who was bleeding "Will hang on we are gonna get you to a hospital....NANCY GET THE KEYS!" Mike said and Nancy got the keys started the car and Mike took Will to the car then they drove off to the hospital.

Hours went by a nurse came and looked at Nancy and Mike "He is stable but he lost a lot of blood" Mike sighed in relief and then Joyce and Jonathan came through the doors "Where is he?" She said looking at the nurse "He is in room 24"she pointed to the room and Joyce looked at Mike who was crying thinking he was going to be yelled at but he felt a hug from Joyce "Hey this isn't your fault...hell you beat the Fuck out of Troy and I am proud of helped my boy to the hospital he is very lucky to have you as his boyfriend " then it hit Mike Joyce knew all along they where dating "What you did for me brother was amazing you are defiantly a keeper" Jonathan said then few more people walked in seeing Lucas,Max,Jane,Dustin and Steve and Hopper "How is the kid?" Hopper said "The nurse told everyone what happened then they all looked at Mike Lucas was the most pissed off "You son of a bitch!" Lucas then punched Mike in the Jaw "What the hell man he could have died!" Lucas said as Hopper and the others held him back "At least I was there I didn't ask for him to help me!" Mike said crying falling on his knees everyone came to him hugging him they all looked at Lucas "You need to leave if it weren't for Mike Will would have been dead by now" Hopper said as he pointed at the door Lucas then left and he went back home.

Mike then got up everyone let go "We have been needing to tell you all something for a while some of you know some of you don't since are all here i guess I will say it....Will and I are dating we have been for a while" They all smiled and gave him pats on the back "We knew" They all said in unison "Thank you for not freaking out" Max gave Mike a tight hug "We love you both the same way" Max said letting go.

The doctor came by he told them they all could see Will but he pointed at Mike "Will wants to see you first" Mike then walked with the doctor once Mike was in the room the doctor locked the door Mike walked to the hospital bed and Will took his hand "M-Mike" he said having tears fall down his eyes Mike was tearing up as well he then kissed Will gently "I didn't need you to save me but what you did helped but it was a terrible could have died" Will looked at Mike and he looked away "At least to kicked his ass" Will said looking back at Mike "Yeah he stabbed you and I just....lost control " Will smiled "Well im glad you did thank you for saving love" Everyone else walked in and they all smiled at the two "I will make sure troy won't come near you guys again" Hopper said as he waved everyone goodbye and he left then Steve,Nancy,Jonathan,  then everyone else except Joyce and Mike "Joyce may I stay the night here...with Will?" She nodded gave Will a kiss on his head and walked out Mike sat in the chair and leaned back he looked at Will scooting to the side he pat down an empty spot next to him "Its gonna be raining for a while can you sleep with me?" Mike smiled and got in the bed with Will hugging him from behind "I love you Will" He kissed his cheek and nuzzled into his shoulder "I love you Mike" He smiled at the kiss and he slowly fell asleep.

Two days passed and Will was finally able to go home Mike drove him home since Nancy came back with the car he walked Will inside into Wills house and he took him to his bed "Rest up and heal I will see you soon I promise" Mike kissed will gently and he walked out back to the car and drove off. Will layed in bed resign and healing like Mike told him to but all he really wanted is for Mike to be with him and sure enough Mike came back an hour later with a few gifts he walked in the room he had two bags "I thought about getting you stuff that you might like" he held out a gameboy "Holy shot these are rare to find where did you get it?!" "At the old thrift shop just sitting there and I know you like old stuff so I got you that with a few games" Mike said smiling "I also got you a hoodie that has your initials on the back WB " "You didn't have to get me this stuff Mikey I already have what I need and that's you my love" Will said pulling Mike into bed cuddling him "I want you all to myself you cutie" Will smiled and then fell asleep,But mike stayed awake and played with Wills hair also holding him close not wanting to let go he texted Nancy that he was gonna stay over at Wills.

Later that night Will woke up and Mike was gone,Will got out of bed and walked out of his room seeing Mike and Joyce cooking Mike turned around and he smiled "Just in time for dinner cutie" Will smiled and gave mike a kiss on the cheek "Thanks handsome" Joyce awed at this and smiled at the two boys they finished dinner and set everything up at the table everyone ate including Jonathan then they all finished and went to bed, but Mike stayed up with Will both in the living room kissing Will on Mikes lap and Mike holding Wills waist Mike then kissed Wills neck and he let out soft moans "M-mike we can't do this not at this age not ready" Will said pushing away "Its ok I understand my love" Mike said as he hugged Will and he picked him up taking him to his room "Sleep my love I will be here in the morning " Mike said as he layed will down and he layed next to him, Will then leaned his head on Mikes chest hearing his gentle heartbeat and with that he fell asleep Mike fell asleep while listening to music. The two boys where passed out holding each other tighter then ever, they both only really need is each other.

Heyo its me Lol if you want to leave some suggestions on what you think I should add please let me know would love to hear your thoughts and ideas

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