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"Mama Papa, are you okay? You two look so pale. Are you guys tired?"

The two couple just look at their daughter with sad ayes. And then the women spoke.

"Lucy, we have to tell you something important now. As much as I hate to say this but...................................................

"Your father and I are going somewhere far away now"

"Where are you two going Mama? Can I come with you?" 'She ask innocently'

"No, dear the place where we're going now is too far away for you. You can't go there until its time for you to go. I'm sorry we can't always be by your side dear, I really am."

"What are you talking about Mama? Where exactly are you and Papa will be going?"

The women's ayes are starting to get teary, and before she know it her tears are already falling down her cheeks.

The little girl was confused on what's her mother is crying about. Then her aye switch from her mother to her father, she look at him with a questioning look.

"Mama is Papa sleeping? Hes not moving. Is he ok?" 'The little girl ask her mother'

Her mother starts to sob quietly.
The little girl starts to panic.

"Mama, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" The little girl ask worriedly'

Her mother spoke between sobs.

"Lucy, your father and I are going to a better place now, but before I left I want you to promise me that you would stay strong and live your life to the fullest"

The little girl was now really confused, she was wondering why her mother is suddenly asking her to promise on something. But then it hit her, she was now looking at her mother with the look of disbelieve, shock, and horror. She was sad of course, but even though she was sad she knows she can't do anything about it. So she deside to fulfill her mother's request.

"Okay, Mama I promise" the little girl is also starting to sob because she finaly knows what her mother was talking about'

"Good, now good bye my dear. Remember, me and your father will always be watching you and always be with you even though you can't see us. Now goodbye Lucy and stay strong okay?"

The women closed her ayes slowly while smiling towards her daughter. And by that the girl burst into tears.


The girl began to cry loudly beging for her parents to return.Then suddenly her mother's words starts to ring inside her head.

"Promise me that you would stay strong and live your life to the fullest"

The little girl is still sobbing but her  crying is starting to stop, and then she take a look at her parent's body.

"I will Mama, I promise that I would be strong and try my best to live on to the fullest"

Little did the girl know, she was about to have a really interesting life full of adventures.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2019 ⏰

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