In the beginning there was the Void, and from that Void came Chaos. Chaos did not know who he was nor why was he created, but he knew that something must be done to stop the mundane feeling he felt since he was born. He spoke to the Void to ask for consultation and the Void spoke and told him to "use my essence to start new life". As Chaos ended his creators' life, Chaos wept over his body, his tears then became the stars and the Voids body became space. Chaos then created a soft bed called Earth and covered it with the Sky. Above the Earth, and Sky, he laid the Voids body and covered it with a veil which marks the boundary of the universe. This marks the first year.
After mourning his loss, Chaos started to create 4 spirits. Vita is tasked to create all kinds of creatures and plants. Agua is tasked to keep the Earth moist and the soils bountiful for Vita's creatures. She is seen as the mother of all living things. Eurus is tasked to keep things in motion as to not make the world stale and boring; he is seen as a carefree spirit. Ignis was tasked to maintain heat on Earth and the Universe, he travels from star to star but his body cannot touch the Earth or any other planets as he was too hot. his temper is paired with his care for life on Earth. This marks the second year.
Time went by as the creatures of Earth lived peacefully. That peace was cut short as the spirits showed signs of their own faults. Ignis grew jealous of his siblings, for he cannot interact with the creatures. In his blind rage he makes stars explode which is called, supernovas. He would also throw fire towards the Earth but Vita protects it with her own body. Though the fires of Ignis may not reach the Earth, Vita's injuries can be seen at the sky which is now called, Aurora Borealis.
Whenever Eurus feels gloomy, the cloud he's carrying darkens and his tears will create rain, and when he is having a tantrum, storms and other disaster happens in his wake.
Vita, creator of life on Earth, was never keen on taking a closer look towards her creation. Because of her ignorance, she unknowingly created deadly creatures like venomous insects, or poisonous plants and trees, or savage beasts. Agua saw this but did not scold her sister for she loves all life on Earth; instead, she created rivers, seas, and oceans as to separate different animals on Earth.
But Agua is not without fault either, her clumsiness shakes the Earth which then creates tsunamis, or earthquakes, or worst, a volcanic eruption. With the 4 spirits unchecked emotions the world's creatures and future is in danger. This marks the third year.
Chaos visited the Earth and saw its current situation, he halted the siblings. Chaos hated how the Ignis was treating his sister, Vita. So he created the moon and Luna. Luna would ride the moon and chase away Ignis for staying too long on one side of the Earth, and so night and day was created. Luna would also catch the fires thrown but her job was not perfect and would miss 1 or 2 which lead to Vita still catching it with her body but only rarely.
Chaos hated how Agua separated the creatures and so he made the Earth rotate around Ignis and the sun unevenly creating the seasons, forcing the animals to migrate each year to different areas. He also made the moon be the beacon as to where the birds and fish will go.
Chaos hated how Vita carelessly made creatures, he saw the creatures suffering and so he made Vita create medical herbs and plants, and Chaos himself created Death, so that no creature, deadly or not, may live long enough to cause suffering or suffer forever.
Chaos hated how Eurus leaves the Earth in such a devastated scene whenever he is emotional. So Chaos created the Humans, they are those who will take care of the earth and defend it and its creatures from natural disasters. They will help maintain it as well earth and keep it from falling into a fatal disaster.
Before leaving once again, Chaos created laws for the humans, laws that will help them go on.
The laws were:
They are to fend for themselves.
They can use all objects on Earth be it animals, plants, the earth itself, and other materials.
And they are allowed to seek knowledge to further their own society, culture, inventions, and ideas.
To discover the world on their own.
And to live a happy life.
And so the humans lived. This marks the fourth year, the year where Chaos was unsure and yet still leapt the leap of faith, faith for his creations, a leap year.
The myth of Creation
Short StoryA short story I made because my cousin wants me to help him create an original myth for a project/activity.