Broken Bones Hurt Part 2

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Ahsoka's POV

When Anakin called and told me Ashla was hurt, it made me mad and sad at the same time. I was on my way home after I told my boss I had to leave early because of a family emergency. She was super forgiving and she totally understood. 

I pulled my starfighter into the garage and walked into the apartment. I saw Anakin had Ashla on the couch with a ice pack against her face and eye. 

"Ashla!" I said worried.

"I'm alright, Mama." 

I walked over to the couch and sat down by her feet. I could tell Anakin had changed her clothes. I hoped she wasn't hurt too bad. 

"What happened, Hun?"

"I was in a fight. I didn't mean for this to happen. I never intended on fighting anybody." She said quickly.

"Hey, I know. I know my daughter better than that you don't go looking for fights. Your only 8 years old."

"How old was this boy who attacked you?" Anakin asked her.

"10. He was bigger than me." She answered.

She looked like she was in horrible pain. I could tell her arm was broken. 

"Anakin, she's gonna need a cast. Her arm won't heal if she can still move it." 

"I know, let's take her now. The sooner the better." 

At the doctor

"Alright, Ashla were going to put a cast on your arm. It wont hurt, I promise." The doctor assured.

"Will it be cold?" Ashla asked. 

"Yes at first. I won't take long to dry."

"I've never had cast before. Can it be pink?"


(The doctor put the cast on Ashla. I didn't know how a cast was put on and I didn't want it to be too drawn out.) 

"How does that feel, Ashla?" I asked her. She looked uncomfortable.

"It feels weird."

"You've never had a cast on before. You'll get used to it." I assured her.

"Maybe we should put the sling on just so it's easier on your arm." Anakin suggested.

After she put the sling on, we left and treated the kids to their favorite ice cream after dinner.  When we got home, Ashla was so tired she fell asleep on the couch. We kept her home for the rest of the week. The kid who hurt her was expelled for the rest of the year. I'm just glad my baby girl was gonna be alright. 

(Edited on July 9, 2021) 

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