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All is fair in the game of hearts. -part 1

"Dude you're the best mother fucking fairy in this place" Remington rolled his eyes at his best friend Daniel. He was always called a fairy because of his feminine like features, but he was an elf. Yet, even the fairies called him one, not out of spite, Remington had become a celebrity among the fairies, he didn't even know why. Fairies were wild.

The thing about fairies and elves was that Elves were male and fairies were female. It wasn't a strict system, you could switch between the two if you felt that way, or you could be in the middle. So, unlike what the media portrayed about these species, there wasn't male and female of each, the species was kind of like gender. But elves and Fairies were the same, except fairies could fly and control air, whilst elves could control water.

Daniel had had one too many drinks and was currently making a fool out of himself, Remington and the wolf that possessed him. Daniel was a Liberwolf, meaning free wolf. He was possessed by a wolf. He had been a human once, but the possession was something that happened when the person dies in a wolf burial ground. Not werewolf, but actual wolves, werewolves were a rare breed, and could only be bred through specific and difficult circumstances.

Daniel had died when he was seven, 300 years ago. He lived eternally as a 24-year-old; he did not enjoy his immortality for the first 250 years until he met Remington. He was not immortal, but elves aged at a ridiculously slow rate. An elf year was 100 human years, well after the first 21 years. Both he and his brothers were born within 2 years of each other.

He had two brothers. Emerson, his youngest, although, unlike Remington and his older brother Sebastian, Emerson was not just an Elf. He was a Vesteral. Which was an elf who has a connection to the spiritual realm, they can often summon spirits and let them inhabit their bodies. As well as that, if a Vesteral is taken over by a specific species that had powers, they can have and use their powers.

They can sense evil thus, they are unable to be possessed by an evil being, they are viewed as 'honests' which are the species that can never be corrupted. Liberwolves are also viewed as a type of honest, meaning they cannot be corrupted once their wolf is in them, however, there has been some wolves who had been corrupted before they inhabit a vessel, meaning the vessel is corrupted.

Vesterals are visually different from all other species, though they are elves, they do not share the telling sign. Whereas Elves often have a spec of green in their eyes or a green scar on their hairline. Vesterals have wings, which are non-corporeal and flow from the tip of the elf ears (the only thing Hollywood got correct about elves) to their knees. Along with the wings, they also have one other distinct feature: they have white eyes.

Currently, Remington and Daniel were located in a Fairy hangout, because of Remington's popularity among the fairies and the fact his brother was a Vesteral, meant he was one of the only non-fairy, to be allowed (Besides the elves who switched to fairy and the fairies that had switched to elves who were still allowed) in a fairy place. So, wherever Remington went, Daniel did, Daniel was also allowed in the hangout.

Remington stared at his friend; it was no surprise they were friends. They were both wild and out there, they also were very protective of anyone. They would stand up to anyone. Daniel shrugged his shoulders and kissed Remington on his cheek, whispering an 'I love you' in his ear. They weren't together like that; they were both as the humans would call 'straight', but they really didn't give a shit about anything anyone else thought.

The elf chuckled and whispered an 'I love you' back to his best friend. His eyes were scanning the room when it happened. A loud bang reverberated around the walls of the building. All music and chatter stopped, and everyone stood guard. Remington caught the bartenders' eye and signalled for him to turn on the water faucet, once the deed was done, Remington and Daniel moved to the front line ready to tear the oncoming threat apart.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2019 ⏰

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