Chapter 5- Achilles

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And things just kept getting better.

The hell was I supposed to do now?

Abigail always interfered with things, she never kept to herself. It's not like she purposely caused trouble. It was more of a hereditary trait. I couldn't have done much about the situation- even though Abigail was naive, any attempt to change her mind would have made the guard suspicious. What should a random prisoner care? All that should have mattered to him was his own escape.

I heard their shoes trekking up the concrete steps, and the doors swinging shut. Then the jingling of keys locking me in a second cage.

Again, left without a clue, I contemplated my next move. Why was it so hard to just get this girl? And she didn't even know I was after her. It was just fate luring her away. Normally, if I was trying to find and catch someone, it would be easy. All I had to do was study their habits, and track them down. But, this seemed to only be getting more difficult.

I could escape this cell stealthily, quietly, slowly... I rolled up my sleeve, revealing the glowing watch underneath. It was 14:03. However, I had little time to spare.

A few minutes later, I gathered my thoughts and a final plan to take this girl down. No matter how much I wanted to abandon her in the hands of the royal family. I was entitled to her, and her future-her life- was literally held in my hands. Whatever move I made next, it would manage to alter her life, and all of Troy, one way or another.

I reached under the bed in my cell, gathering several grainy rocks. I tossed them into a pile. Then, one after another, I began to launch the stones at the wall, at the metal bars, at the ceiling- anywhere that could cast the sound of the rocks through the dungeons. The noisier, the better. When the whole pile was used, I collected them and started again.

Less than thirty seconds later, a guard lumbered inside with a facial expression reeking of annoyance and raw disgust.

"'Ay, Sir, what brings you here?" I asked peskily.

He glowered, "What's with all this ruckus?"

"Ah, I just had a question in urgent need of answering," I said smoothly. I gestured him closer, he surprisingly did so. Then, when he was close enough, I extended my hand in-between the bars of this goddamn bird cage. I grasped his shirt, pulled him into the bars and snatched a small knife hidden in the back of my khakis. It was small enough to remain concealed in my clothing without revealing its keen shape, but large enough to hurt someone- murder them even, if you have the competency. I held it to his side, it pressed the skin of his abdomen. I watched the fear wash over his hideous face.

"Unlock my cell. Casually let me go. And I'll do the same for you," I murmured in his ear. His teeth jittered so uncontrollably, I was certain he couldn't hear my words, but only assumed what I meant.

"I-I won't-" I pressed it harder, until I felt a thin layer of skin burst. "Okay. Okay!" When I didn't draw the knife back, he desperately threw his keys in the lock. "That's enough!"

I grinned, satisfied.

The door swung open, and I burst through before the guard could change his mind. I dipped my head, as if tilting a hat, like a real gentleman.

"Great doing business with you, Sir."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2019 ⏰

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