The next day...

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The gems were discussing the whereabouts of steven meanwhile  all of them soon realized they forgot to tell greg. What would Greg think?  Last thing they wanted to do was lose steven forever... They were so worried about steven and they got a call from Priyanka last night saying connie had run away too... They didn't know where the children were nor did they have a plan on what to do.. But just as they were about to go on a mission they heard a van pulled up outside..



They saw Greg's van ...  But when Greg got out they noticed steven and connie getting out as well.. They cried tears of joy

Steven was the first one to walk up the steps and open the screen door.. He lifted up his head and noticed everyone looked happy and had tears of joy in their eyes

Steven: *teary eyed*  *smiles*  I'm back!

Connie:  *Smiles*  Hey!

Steven: *smiles*  I heard about everything that happened to her last night and I decided to invite her over to my dad's carwash last night

*Greg humbly smiles and he was whistling*

Everyone enveloped steven in a big massive hug and steven invited connie into the group hug as well After a few minutes the hug broke up but lapis remained she hugged steven tightly

Lapis: *tearfully* Why did you do that!?

Steven: *tearfully* I'm sorry

Lapis: You don't have to be sorry It was our fault It was MY fault

Steven: Are we still beach summer fun buddies?

lapis: Yeah

Pearl *smiled at lapis and steven from afar and smiled at everyone chatting and talking to each other.*  *She noticed connie sitting at the counter*

Pearl: Oh um connie.. Your mother called last night she and your father were worried sick about you!

Connie:  Really? She asked

Pearl: Yes and your father went out there to look for you...

*connie hugged pearl* 

Pearl was taken aback but she returned the affection

Connie: *looked up and teary eyed* Pearl.. Do you really think they miss me? 

Pearl was shocked connie would ask that

Steven noticed connie crying and went over to hug her and garnet also hugged connie

Pearl: of course they do speaking of which do you want to call them?  Or should I-

Connie: YEAH! oops I mean yes ma'am

*pearl smiled a Genuine smile*

Pearl pulled her phone out of her gem-

Connie: Thanks for the offer pearl but I already have my cellphone in my pocket

Pearl: *puts her phone back* Oh alright

*connie smiled and dialed her parent's phone number*

Peridot and lapis began to become their normal selves again they chatted and chatted peridot was rambling about the new season primiere of CPH (Camp Pinning Hearts) Lapis was blushing profusely She had a lot of feelings for peridot she loved her and wanted to fuse with her maybe one day... But she was still nervous and terrified of fusion ever since her and jaspers fusion  


It was a very VERY   horrifying experience

and she would never EVER hurt peridot..

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