-Preference- How They Ask You Out

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Boy do I suck at updates...it's LEGIT been over year. 😬 BUT! I'm back, It'll probably still be slow updates, but updates. Annnnyyyywaaaayyyyyy.....heres your update lol (unedited)







Gordie: Boy did Chris hype Gordie up before asking you out, enough to where it gave Gordie some confidence before going up to. Unfortunately all that confidence faded as soon as you made eye contact with him. Gordie turned right back around and thought "forget it, I'll never be able to walk up to her and ask her on a date", and thats when it hit him. He doesn't need to walk up to you. Thanks to Chris, Gordie knows that he has a talent, and can use that talent to his advantage. He wrote you the most romantic letter his little pre-teenage mind could come up with, and to his surprise it couldn't have worked better. He walked out of class thinking about how he slipped the letter in your locker that morning, and before he could think about how you may reject him, he was attacked by the biggest bear hug you could give him.

Chris: Chris is gives off a big "I don't give a sh*t" energy that comes with confidence. Although he very casually kissed your cheek before as if it was nothing, officially asking you out, was a big, BIG deal for him. All of his "I don't give a sh*t" energy went out the window (along with his confidence).

"I don't know Gordie! Hanging out with her is one thing but a date??? I'd just be asking for rejection." Chris said to his best friend.

"Chris, she likes you, believe me!" Chris sat on Gordie's bed looking at the floor still unsure of himself. "If you don't do this you're going to spend the rest of your life wondering what could have been." Hearing Gordie say that, Chris got a sudden burst of confidence and marched right outside to go ask out the girl his been crushing on since the day he saw her. He took one step outside the door just to find you already standing there. "Oh! Hey Chris! I actually was coming over here to see if you maybe wanted to go see a movie Friday night? Just us..." She trailed off on the last part. Chris was dumbfounded. Girls never asked the guys out, (especially back then) and that was one of the reasons Chris liked you. You never went by the rules. "Yeah I'd like that." Chris said with a small but genuine smile on his face.

Teddy: Teddy didn't really so much as ask, than he did yell at you. It was lunchtime and you were all in the cafeteria. You were sitting down with your friends talking about how bad the school lunches were when you heard the lunch lady yell at someone telling them to get down from the table. You look over to see your crush Teddy Duchamp standing on a school lunch table yelling "(Y/N) WILL YOU GO TO THE BLUEPOINT DINER WITH ME TOMORROW NIGHT?!?!?!?!" Of course this was all followed by the cheers and hoots of Teddy's best friends. You tried to hide your face and blush before shyly nodding your head yes. After that the cafeteria erupted with cheers as Teddy sat back down triumphantly.

Vern: Vern probably was the most successful in asking you out compared to all the boys. Between yelling across cafeterias, writing letters, and being the one asked out, Vern simply asked you out on your front step with a bundle of flowers. Oddly enough Vern wasn't scared, and he wasn't nervous. Whenever he was with you he felt like nothing bad could happen, even if you had turned him down he knew that you wouldn't laugh at him or make fun of him, and that you'd remain friends. You were his safe place.

Vern knocked on your door with a bundle of your favorite flowers, and when you opened the door his face couldn't be brighter.

"Hi, (Y/N). I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me, cuz I like you an awful lot, sincerely!" Of course you couldn't help but say yes to his cute little smile.

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