Chapter 1

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It was a cold March morning.
Colder than usual.
Maya was sitting in her room busy with last minute homework.
She didn't have anything better to do and she wasn't going to Riley's.
Not after last year.
She is anyway better off without her.

A knock appears on Maya's door and short after that her mother.

"Hey. I know you don't like it very much but why don't you come eat? Shawn has prepared a delicious breakfast," Katy said.

Shawn Hunter.
Katy's boyfriend but also someone Maya admires very much.
Actually it wasn't her boyfriend but husband as well as Maya's adoptive father.
Which Maya was very excited about.

"I'll be there in a second," Maya said and Katy closed the door.

Maya looked at the promise ring Riley got her a year ago.
She still wore it even if she didn't know why.
She took it off and from there it went into a jewelry box.
To be kept safe.
She took a deep breath and then went to the living room.

Just like any other apartment for two the living and dining room is connected to the kitchen.
Maya didn't actually know what to do about everything but she did know that she wasn't going to let anything get her down.

"Morning Kiddo. What will it be? Oatmeal? Fruit salad? Or toast?"

Shawn always made Maya laugh.
She hadn't known him for very long but she grew fond of him.

"Um... Fruit salad," Maya said.
"Dish in a lot for her. She barely eats anything," Katy said.
"Mom," Maya said.
"You are seventy pounds. Which isn't normal," Katy said.

It's no secret between Maya, Katy and Shawn that Maya did have a phase where she didn't eat anything.
It was last year for a few months.
After Riley told Maya their friendship is over.
Shawn gave Maya her fruit and noticed something odd.

"Where is the Riley and Maya forever ring?" Shawn asked.
"I took it off. She broke contact with me long ago," Maya said and started to eat.

This morning Maya was very hungry and of course her mom was happy.
She hadn't been eating for awhile and that wasn't very good.
But now she is starting to get to her old self.

"Okay I ate too much," Maya said.
"Which I am glad for," Katy said.
"Okay brush your teeth then I will drop you off," Shawn said.
"Okay," Maya said and was off.

"She is going to be sorry about that ring. The friendship too."
"Katy I don't know how their friendship are but she isn't happy. That's where the anorexia came from," Shawn said.
"I don't know if it did cause it. But she still isn't happy," Katy said.

"We off?" Maya asked.
"Yeah let's go. Do you have your bag?" Shawn asked.
"Yes Dad," Maya said.
"Okay. I'll see you later," Shawn said.
"Bye Mom," Maya said and they were off.

When Shawn dropped Maya off at school she got a few weird looks.
But she didn't pay attention to it much.
Maya wasn't the happiest girl and even if she did know that she would try to get everyone together.
She hadn't made any new friends since she and Riley broke contact probably because of Riley.
But she did hang out with her parents a lot.
And even if she did know what she wanted she wouldn't tell.
She was just always that kind of girl.
Since Maya and Riley broke their friendship Maya didn't go to Cory's class anymore.
Instead she took ballet which was kinda her first passion.
Her classes now consumed of English, Math, Spanish, Art, Dance, Music and Acting.
All in the performing business.
She actually did want to go to Riley's this afternoon but not for the reason you would think.
And she knew that in the end she would have to do it.

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