Meeting his Father [modern au]

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Warning: foul language

You dressed casual, but modest for the occasion. (Late morning).
"You sure? You might regret this."
He warned you as you were putting your (h/c) hair in a neat (but comfortable) bun.

"Zuko you worry wart, I'll be fine. I've always wanted to meet your parents. Well...mostly your Mom." Since you already knew about his Dad.

"So why would you want to meet my dad first?" He hugged you from behind and rested his chin on your shoulder. (Since he was taller than you).

"Just to get the tension out of the way. It'd be less awkward and painful that way." You turned around and pecked his lips.

"*sigh*...Your aura does seem to have an effect on people. I just hope your right."

*timeskip brought to you by Katara's hair loopies*

After Zuko parked his car by his dad's house, you two were in front of the door. You held his hand reassuring him that you'd both live. (Lol).

"You ready?"
"Who me?"
"No, that succulent over there." You were just lightening the mood like usual.

He chuckled, "Let's just get this over with." He rung the door bell.
It didn't take long for Ozai to answer the door.

"Well if it isn't my long lost son." He stated with his sh*t eating smirk. "You've finally come to visit your old man?"
Zuko almost forgot you were here so he grit his teeth, "Actually, my girlfriend wanted to meet you. Just don't try anything or you'll be sorry."
"Zu, stop. I'll be fine." You could already see irk marks.

Ozai then turned his gaze to you as you introduced yourself.
"H-hey, I'm (Y/n), his girlfriend. It's nice to meet you." You already knew not to offer your hand so you just smiled.
Ozai returned the smile and moved aside to let you two in. The way he looked you up and down already made you uncomfortable. But knowing that you have Zuko by your side (not to mention your amazing combat skills), you brushed it off. You made your way to couch with Zuko following close behind.

"I have a few questions, if you don't mind." Ozai stated as he entered the living room.

"U-uh sure-"
"Don't get any ideas." Zuko cut in and held you close.

"Hm. So, what do you do for a living? Besides college I mean." His aura seemed off.

"Well...I (state your dream job and paycheck lol). It's hard, but it's worth it." You did love your work. As much as you love Zuko.

"I see. And how long have you two been together?" His smirk returned.

"Does that matter? I mean, as long as it's going better than your marriage, it's not your business." Your boyfriend stated coldly. You couldn't help but snicker at his remark.

"Tch. Your forgetting that we have a guest here." Ozai said, trying to keep his cool.

"I already know, so save it, sir." You have low tolerance to negative energy so you weren't having it.
"Excuse me?"
"I'm not repeating myself."
"Heh. Feisty~ How old are you?"

Did he just-

"Pardon?" You raised a brow at him.
Ozai only winked at you when you abruptly stood from your seat.

"Hush." Zuko's eyes almost fell out of his face. He forgot how brave you were, but he knew not to get in your way.

"What? Cat caught your tongue?" Ozai knew what he was doing.

"Your not that slick, fool! I know what happened and why it happened. The divorce, the scar, the whole f*cking dynamic! How can you still think all this isn't your fault? I may not have seen it to know, but rumors spread faster than STDs!" At this point you were fuming. This man disgusted you.

Zuko then got up and gently grabbed your shoulder, "(Y/n), let's go. We're wasting our time." You took a moment to calm yourself. You looked at him, then looked at Ozai. He looked a little hurt but mostly shocked.
You nodded and turned to leave with Zuko.

Before you closed the door you added, "I hope you crumble in shame. Sir."

*timeskip to the ride home*

"...Wow." Zuko sighed.
"What?" Your brows were still knitted.
"I didn't think you'd stand up to him, let alone spill the tea."
"Heh. Your uncle got in your head, huh?" You loosened up a little.

He only chuckled, "I'm proud of you."
"I thought I embarrassed you." Or so you thought.

"I understand how outraged you were. I just forgot how blunt you can be. Was that why you wanted to meet my father?" He smirked.

"I couldn't think of any other way to address it. My outburst was proof that I love you despite your imperfections. You deserve better than what was handed to you." You couldn't help but blush at your own words.

You didn't realize that he already parked his car in front of your shared apartment, because you were so deep in your thoughts, while trying to control your fluster.

That's when you felt a pair of lips gently brush over yours in a chaste manner. Of course you returned the kiss.

"I love you too." Zuko said softly and smiled. His smile. It never fails to make your cheeks hot.

"...You...wanna take a break? That meeting kind of drained me." You tried not to let out a goofy smile.

"Yeah...I guess your promising aura didn't work." He snickered.

You playfully slapped his arm, "It depends on the person, genius." You couldn't help but laugh it off.

Sorry about the ending, but I didn't know how else to end it. I hope you enjoyed reading this tho! (I'm still new to this 🤣🤣)

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