Chapter 23

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A Week Later

"You want to go baby shopping with me?!" I exclaimed, looking at my sullen-faced mother.

"This is something a mother should do with her daughter isn't it?" She said.

I clenched my hands into fist.

She had no right to do things with me that mothers and daughters would do. She's not who I consider a mother.

"I've already bought a lot of baby clothes with my friends and siblings," I said, holding my tongue from saying anything nasty.

"It could never hurt to have a little extra," she shrugged.

Today Namjoon was called in for some work at the agency.

He had offered that if I didn't want him to go he would stay back, but me being me I let him go do his job.

Now I was left to deal with madam on my own.

"I appreciate the offer. I really do. But I think it's overdoing it a tad," I said.

Her eyes begged, "Please. Just one trip. We don't have to buy anything but I want to take you out. Being cooped up indoors makes your skin flabby."

I sighed.

I really can't get rid of her. And that's the sad truth. No matter how hard I try. Or how hard I push her away, deep down she's somehow my mother, and I know that. She gave birth to me and dealt with me for nine months. Somewhere deep in the depths of my heart, as much as I wanted to deny it, I held a small place for her. It wasn't as big as my adoptive mother or my siblings, friends, husband, or kids, but there was a place. I just didn't want to believe it.

"Fine. But I can't guarantee I'll buy anything when I know I have no need for it," I groaned.

She smiled, dragging me to her car.

We drove off to the Lotte World Mall.

It had been a while since I had been to Lotte World Mall. I loved coming here. This mall just made me feel so happy. Mainly because the girls and I would come here just to window shop.

Nayoung pulled me into some baby store. Outfits lined the walls and products such as food, toys, and bottles filled the shelves.

"I literally have all of this stuff already. Except for food but going to wait a bit longer to get it," I said.

She hummed, "No biggie. We'll just look at some clothes and laugh about how cute they are. I want to spend time with you."

I couldn't wrap my head around the idea of the woman who left me at a hospital after birth wanting to spend time with me.

"Oh my gosh look how cute these shoes are!" Nayoung squealed.

She pointed at a wall of baby shoes smaller than the palm of your hand.

I did already have shoes but her face was lighting up at every Twinkle Toes, Sketchers, or Ugg boots she saw.

The sight was quite adorable.

She never had a chance to do this for me, so I guess it was a first for her. She never got the thrill of shopping for baby clothes and supplies.

"Oh look at these little sayings on the clothes!" She exclaimed.

There were little outfits with little messages on them.

'Don't 🌮 to me'

'I 🌋 u'

And of course there were outfits with little patterns and prints on it.

Nayoung lit up like a child. It almost looked like she was going to buy clothes just to keep for herself.

"Okay come lets go. I have another store we can visit!" She exclaimed.

She was very excited about this.

She pulled me into another store. It wasn't for babies though. It was just a regular clothing store.

She excitedly started checking out the clothes, forgetting I was standing right next to her.

I sighed, wandering off on my own to the maternity section.

I already had enough clothes for myself so I was just mindlessly wandering through the section.

Suddenly, Nayoung ran over to me with at least fifteen items of clothing in her hands.

"Come on let's go try them on!" She squealed.

I've never seen her this happy or excited before.

I sat on a bench in the dressing room area, waiting for Nayoung to display her fashion show.

She walked out of the stall wearing an outfit that looked like something you'd see in a nightmare.

I burst into laughter.

"What in the world are you wearing?!" I was hysterical.

She pouted, "It's a fashion statement."

"Statement indeed. Although it's not a very good one," I snickered.

"You don't appreciate the art of fashion," she huffed.

She went back into her stall and modeled out a few more strange combinations of outfits.

Then she came out in a gorgeous gown that made my jaw drop.

"Wow this is the one thing I really don't like," she said, turning around.

"Are you nuts?! This is the best thing I've seen all day!" I exclaimed.

"Then maybe you should try it on," she suggested.

"Pregnant lady, remember?" I said.

She huffed, "You're not going to be pregnant forever Y/N. If you weren't pregnant you look like you'd be about my size. This would fit you perfectly."

"But I can't try it on now," I said.

"But you can place it against yourself," she said as if that was the most obvious thing in the world.

I took the gown from her hands and walked into the stall, closing the curtain so that no one would see me be indecisive over the dress.

It was gorgeous.

It was a pale color made from fine silk.

I was staring at the color against my body.

Am I even cut out for fancy stuff anymore?

In the mirror I saw Nayoung open the curtains and stare in awe of how the dress looked against me.

"It looks beautiful for you," she hummed.

She quickly grabbed the dress from my hands and ran.

"Where are you going?" I was in shock.

"To buy the dress for you!" She called.

I tried to walk to catch-up to her but by the time I got to the counter she had already bought it.

"I'll give you the money," I said out of breath.

"No you won't. It's on me. My treat," she said.

After the whole situation at dinner with them so willingly letting Namjoon pay, I was a bit skeptical of why she was paying for a dress that was ten times more expensive then their meal at dinner. But I decided I was being suspicious and that I should just let it go.

After that we went and ate something, went to a spa, and did a bit more shopping.

It was actually a pretty fun day.

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