Chapter 2: His Story

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Keila's POV

Athena I have something to tell you this is important.

I texted Athena I have to tell this she is only one I trust and this situation I don't know what to do I can't handle this kind of problem, if my parents found out that there was a man in my house....ooohgooosh!

While I'm walking and I saw my soon to be boyfriend yes! Its true, soon I will be in relationship with him

"Keilaaaaa! Where are you going? I really miss you did you miss me?" Brylle said.

"No HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA" but it's  a joke I just want to tease him.

"Liar! I know that you miss me I see on your face" I knew it he really knows me. Me and Brylle are friends since elementary but in the beginning we treat each other a mortal enemy that's why I believe in saying "The more you hate, the more you love".

"It's already 10:15 am" He said and we are holding hands while walking. I see many students in the hallway that its seems like their are envy to us, well we are not in relationship but both of us is so sweet to each other how lucky I am that I have a friend like him.

At the room.....

"Keila I was waiting for you I tought you have some------" I immediately covered her mouth before Brylle hear what Athena saying, and I had no intention to say my problem to him.

"Shhh! Athenaaaaa! Don't you ever mention that in public placeeee! It's a secret of us" I said.

Then I sit down on my chair and I saw  the president at the front of the class. I'm sure there will be an announcement.

"Attention everyone! there will be no classes in 5 days starting today because the teachers have a seminar in UP Los Baños and that's all thank you!" HAHAHHAHAA I knew it.

I packed my things and I'm going mall to buy a clothes from him. Ooh I forgot to get his name and I want to hear his story what happen to him?

After a few hours.......

"I don't know his T-shirt size mygaaaaash! Hmmmmmmmmm?" I've been stress here I don't know what suppose to do.

"Miss excuse me can I request for you. Please get all the new arrivals of your clothes" asking for a favor.

"Proceed in the cashier Ma'am" saleslady said and

"Thank you"

"You're welcome Ma'am"

After a few hours.....

"Heeeey! I bought you a new clothes, waer it let me see if the clothes are fitting to you" I said

"Ok" he replied thrifty.

"Hmmmmmm? Can I ask something? I really want to know what happen to you" I said

"Do you really want to know?" he also asked.

"Yes pleaseeee" I repleid

"There was a party in the house of my girlfriend her named is Ashley. She didn't know that I'll be there that night, I saw her with a man hugging each other then the boy gave her a gift I heard there celebrating a third monthsarry, she has been cheating me for so long, when my eyes change into dark eyesight I didn't hesitate to beat him up. Then I ask my girlfriend who she will choose me or her another man and I expect that she choose her another man than me. In the next day while I'm walking going to the of my girlfriend, I suddenly felt that someone is following me after a few minutes they dragged me along the road, and they beat me, I thought they are finished but there was a white van stop in front of us, and they continue beat me inside the car then they will not stop until I'm not dead yet it takes a few hours before they killed me when I was beaten, but they knew I was dead" he explained.

He doesn't deserve that girl he deserve me HAHAHHAHAHAHA joke I have Brylle I'm not two timer and I can't handle that. How could she can handle such a thing that she would love two me.

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