#1The Truth About Loveby glennaian11111st entry in 21st Century literature - lyric poetrylyricpoetrystem21stcenturyliterature+1 more #2You Me Together Foreverby deguzmanMarlie7111st entry in 21st Century Literature -Lyric Poetrystem21centuryliteraturelyricpoetrypo+1 more #3Love Onesby mcmacinas2111st entry in 21st century literature -Lyric Poetryg11galileo21centuryliteratureg11stem+1 more #4You're Expiredby akosihatdog7011st entry in 21st century literature -lyric poetryCompleted21stcenturyg11galileolyricpoetry #5MY SWEETEST REVENGEby yanajinnnn1.2K842nd entry in 21st century literature Fiction writing21stcenturyliteratureg11galileostem #6LOVE?by maryruthromero5111st entry in 21st Century Literaturestem21centuryliteraturelyricpoetry+1 more #7Brown Eyesby samanth4222022nd entry in 21st centuryliterature -Chicklitg11galileo21st21stliterature+1 more #8LOVE HURTby anastiaclaire5011st entry in 21st Century Literature -Lyric Poetry21centuryliteraturelyriclyricpoetry+2 more #9First Love Never Diesby Keysiii12111st entry in 21st Century Literature -Lyric Poetrystemg11galileolyricpoetry+1 more #10DON'T ME, KILLERby Marjorie Placer15211st entry in 21st Century Literature -Lyric poetry21stcenturyliteratureg11galileolyricpoetry+1 more #11Toxicby samanth4222011st entry in 21st Century Literature -Lyric Poetry21stliteraturelyricpoetry21stcenturyliterature+2 more #12The White Manby deguzmanMarlie3042nd Entry in 21st Century Literature. Fiction Writing21stcenturyliteratureg11galileostem #13Long Distance Relationship by ecahxxx6011st entry.21st Century Literature.G11-Galileo.STEM21stcenturyliteratureg11galileostem #14"Don't Just Stare"by eigram08152011st entry in 21st century literature -lyric poetryg11galileo21stcenturyliteraturestem+1 more #15HI!by malabanan053011st entry in 21st Century Literature. -Lyric Poetrystemlyricpoetryg11galileo+1 more #16Dark japanby gabriel minatozaki11031st entry in 21st Century Literature -Ghosts storyghostsstorystem21centuryliterature+1 more #17to be happy again (on going)by rozette sitjar14152nd entry in 21st century literature. fiction writing21stcenturyliteratureg11galileostem #18Revenge Of The Ghostby Keysiii26062nd Entry in 21st Century Literature Fiction Writing21stcenturyliteratureg11galileostem #19Everlasting Love of My Motherby khenleysioson4011st entry in 21st Century Literature -Lyric Poetrylyricpoetrystemg11galileo+1 more #20If I Can't Have You by Isabella Pinque2022nd Entry in 21st Century Literature Fiction Writing21stcenturyliteratureg11galileostem