the prettiest things

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Itsuka isn't entirely sure how she ends up being an impatient person with a group of equally impatient friends, but here they are, and there isn't really anything she can do about it. In her defense, when Momo tells her about a hole-in-the-wall cafe that her girlfriend performs at all the time, Itsuka doesn't really expect it to be so hard to find.

"Oi," Tetsutetsu drawls out, two steps behind her, "d'ya have any clue where this place is, Kendo?"

She has a vague idea, which really means no, but she's not willing to admit that, so she just huffs indignantly and doesn't answer his question. It's the first time he's really spoken up, as opposed to Monoma's consistent whining. She almost feels bad, and a part of her prepares to say something in reassurance, but then a half-faded sign tucked down an alleyway catches her gaze.

In hindsight, Itsuka knows Momo tends to exaggerate, and so she hadn't been expecting what's practically a literal hole-in-the-wall, but sure enough, there's Hideout, hidden comfortably behind two For Lease signs and a tiny insurance building. Itsuka stops, double takes, and then turns fully.

"Ah!" She exclaims, grabbing Tetsutetsu and Monoma by the hands and towing them towards the low entryway.

She hides a laugh - Tetsutetsu has to duck a little to avoid smacking his head, but Itsuka and Monoma have no issues getting inside. It looks less like a cafe inside and more like a nightclub, dark leather booths shoved up against the walls and scattered tables dotted with people of all sorts of character. The vibe is comfortable enough for such a dimly lit place, soft wisps of gray slithering along the floor like they'd used a smoke machine one too many times.

There's a little stage up front and most people are right up at the lip of it. It's a small crowd and there's nobody on stage, but it must be the place Momo told her about, where Jirou performed. Itsuka notes the wary look to Tetsutetsu's dark eyes and the unimpressed curve of Monoma's lip. Nonetheless, the three of them occupy a table, Tetsutetsu on one side and Monoma and Itsuka on the other, their backs to the stage. There's definitely a sort of club vibe, but it seems more like a secret restaurant.

"You said Yaoyorozu told ya 'bout this place?" Tetsutetsu asks, leaning over the table as a waitress comes to take their orders.

He's sort of side-eyeing some punk looking people nearby. Itsuka isn't particularly worried. Between herself and Tetsutetsu, it's hard for anyone to do any real damage. On the other hand, Monoma's texting away in the corner of her eye, clearly only here because Itsuka hadn't really given him a choice otherwise.

"Yeah," she tells Tetsutetsu, leaning over to explain the story while they wait.

It isn't until the waitress returns that there are some quiet noises from behind her, some feedback from the stage, and soft murmuring from the crowd. Itsuka thanks the waitress, but a guitar drowns out her words. Itsuka startles at the acoustic. She isn't expecting a sound like that in a place like this, and she turns just as the person begins to sing.

Her breath leaves her lungs.

It's almost funny. There's nothing particularly remarkable about the girl, tall and willowy, clad in a green turtleneck dress with equally dark green hair curling down just past her shoulders. Yet, just like that, she's caught up in the lopsided little grin on the woman's lips and the passion that blazes in her eyes. Itsuka's tangled in the way she looks beneath the lights, voice loud and sure, despite the song's lilting pace.

It seems to fill the room and capture the rest of the audience too. They're all enraptured by the sheer presence of this girl rocking forward on her toes, the heels of her boots tipping up off the stage. She looks like she belongs up there, and just for a moment, her gaze sweeps the crowd and Itsuka could swear their eyes meet. Even at first sight, not knowing the girl's name or anything else about her, Itsuka knows she's screwed.

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