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I'm so happy that this book got 9k reads so for this chapter—it's gonna be cool as a reward for you guys. Play the music above too. uwu

This is gonna be a Mulan parody yeet.

A Girl Worth Fighting For
-by the AoT Characters (mostly dudes lmao)

For a long time we've been
Marching off to battle

In our thundering herd
We feel a lot like cattle

Jean, Reiner, Connie, and Berthodlt:
Like the pounding beat
Our aching feet aren't
Easy to ignore

Hey, think of instead
A girl worth fighting for
That's what I said
A girl worth fighting for

I want her paler than the
Moon with eyes that
Shine like stars

Eren: *squints* Are you talking about Mikasa, Jean?

Jean: *pales* Uh—no...

Connie: *scowls* WE GOTTA FINISH THE SONG GUYS! *to Reiner* Continue.

My girl will marvel at
My strength, adore my
Battle scars

I couldn't care less what she'll
Wear or what she looks like
It all depends on what
She cooks like
Beef, pork, chicken, mmm

Connie: *says*  Are you lesbian, Sasha?

Sasha: *shrugs* I don't know.

Jean: cOnnIe sTop IntErrupting tHe SonG.

Connie: Shut up, Jean.

Bet the local girls thought
You were quite the charmer

And I'll bet the ladies love
A man in armor

Someone: *yells* ARMORED TITAN, I GUESS!

Erwin, Mike, Levi:
You can guess what we
Have missed the most
Since we went off to war

What do we want?
A girl worth fighting for

My girl will think I have no faults

That I'm a major find

How 'bout a girl who's got a brain
Who always speaks her mind?

Porco and Zeke:

My manly ways and turn of
Phrase are sure to thrill her

He thinks he's such a lady killer

I've a girl back home who's
Unlike any other

Yet the only girl who'd
Love him is his mother

Eren: Yet the only girl who'dLove him is his mother

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