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A DAY or two after the party, theo walked to the front entrance of midtown tech, expecting an interesting weekend ahead of her. currently, they were loading up the bus full of decathlon kids for nationals.

theo had started to regret joining decathlon. on a bus with flash for several hours? didn't seem too particularly theo's taste. theo had started to get in a bad mood.

it also didn't help that peter hadn't called or talked to her since the party. but, to be fair, she didn't make an effort to call him either.

she scratched at her neck, the yellow midtown tech blazer uniform she was given had been itchy on her.

her heart skipped a few beats as she watched peter walk up to the bus.

"hey, it's peter." one boy who was on the team, abe, announced. everyone turned their head and happily greeted peter.

peter nodded his head. "guys." he greeted them. he looked to theo, who kept her eyes trained on her feet as she avoided his gaze. it made peter's stomach twist in hurt.

he looked back towards his teammates. "yeah, i was hoping maybe i could rejoin the team." peter informed them, looking at their midtown tech jackets.

peter quit the team? since when? this was news to theo. the whole reason she was on the damn trip was because of peter.

flash, who was standing in the back, walked forward to face peter. "no, no way. you can't just quit on us, stroll up, and be welcomed back by everyone." flash said, crossing his arms.

mr. harrington then walked off the bus, a smile on his face when he saw peter. "hey, welcome back, peter. flash, you're back to first alternate." he greeted peter, then pointing at flash to make him give peter the jacket.

flash looked at mr. harrington in disbelief, like he was the greatest player on the team. "what?" he asked in confusion.

theo scoffed a little, to which peter looked at her. he started to walk up to her. "theo, im... i'm sorry." he mumbled.

michelle then appeared out of the bus. "excuse me, can we go already? 'cause i was hoping to get in some light protesting in front of one of the embassies before dinner, so." she explained and theo shook her head, getting on the bus.

theo had sat down next to mj, and they both listened to their own music. the bus ride was long and boring. theo longed for peter. she was still upset, for sure, but she wanted to talk to him again. to hear his voice.

peter felt the same. he wanted to make things right. make things right before he would risk his life to catch the guy selling weapons.

after the grueling ride, they got to their hotels. as if on que, theo's phone rang, the i.d blinking 'iron dad'. she quickly grabbed her key card from mr. harrington and ran to her room, shutting the door behind her and answering the phone. "hey dad!" she said, masking her wavering voice with a happy tone.

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