Chapter one- the hell hole

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*Marcel pov*

        I hear my alarm clock telling me to get up and get ready for the hell hole, I don't hate school it's just every one hates me( except the teachers) because A) I'm gay and B) I'm the school nerd. I groan reluctant to get up and start my day ,but I get up any way. I take a towel and my vest and dress clothes such as nice pants and shirts.

         I let the warm water hit my aching skin and let out a raspy moan escape my mouth feeling how relived I was. When I finished I turned the knobs off and step out of the shower letting the cold air hit me like a brick. I grab my hair gel, it's almost empty so I mentally noted that I need to buy more, I he'll it back and slip on my glasses. I stare at my reflection into my green eyes, I place my hand up on the glass wishing I was someone else but me.

        I get on my clothes and slip on my loafers and head down the stairs to eat my breakfast, my mum pushes the cereal bowl in front of me, I just stare down out the bowl for a couple of minutes, then I just pick up the spoon and place it into my mouth. I soon run out the door so I don't miss my bus. When I get up to the bus stops I see 3/5 of the schools jocks/punks the leader, Louis Tomlinson, wasn't there he just watches them beat me senseless I swear I saw the hate in his eyes every time the do it, but he does stop them- sometimes if they take it to far.

        "Hey, look it's Nerdy Faggot," the one with the raven Quiff, Zayn Malik.

         "Aren't we going to have fun with you today," the one with puppy dog eyes, Liam Payne. The only Irish one, Niall Horan laughs cracking his knuckles.

        Zayn lifts me up off the ground he pulls his fist back ready to take a swing when I hear someone call out,"get the fuck off of him," the voice that makes my heart beat faster, Louis, yes I have a crush on him, no not the love-at-first-sight kind of crush, it was more like a slow and over time type of crush.

         My thoughts were interrupted when I see Louis lift Zayn up off the ground and whisper," leave him the fuck alone or I'll......." he mumbles the last parts only for him and Zayn to hear, but what ever it was it made Zayn nod making him scared of his own shadow. When Louis drops Zayn he scrambles a runs into Liam's arms shaking. Liam looks at Louis glares, if looks could kill Louis would just crumble to the ground dead.

*Louis pov*

        I feel Liam's cold stare into the back of my head, but I don't give a fling fuck all I need to know if Marcel is okay. I have a crush on Marcel, like of have an obsession. The first day I saw him I thought his glasses, to the dimples, and to the gelled back hair. I walk over to Marcel, he steps back a little.

        It pains me to see him scared of me, "are you all right" I ask him.

         "I-I-m fine," he stutters. Awwww so cute, I feel like a fangirl fangirling over 5 Seconds of Summer. I get closer to him he flinches and shrinks down.

         I made this decision I've been trying to ask him for the last two years, "can I have your number?" He nods and grabs a piece of paper, then hands it to me. The bus comes.

*both pov*

To the hell hole we go.

A/N- sorry if this is boring, I'm just not having a good day:( but I get on wattpad and think I need to write this story-Olivia

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