~Chapter 1~

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TW:Child Abuse.
Logan's POV
I groan softly as I wake up and realize I over slept. I quickly got out of bed and put my clothes on,knowing I'll get beaten for this one. I grabbed my bag and walked out my room,already seeing my dad with the belt in his hand. I sigh as I remove all my clothes and let him beat me. Once he finished I weakly put all my clothes back on and rushed out the house and get into the car where my mom was waiting for me. I let her give me my daily lecture as we arrived at the school. I waved goodbye and rush out the car and get to the school. I wasn't late so that's good. I sit in the yard of the school and began to study for the final exam that is 3 months from today.

Patton's pov.

I yawn as I wake up and see that for once I woke up on time! I get up and put my clothes on and go downstairs and eat breakfast. I see my mom getting the car ready outside. Dad had already left for work so it was just me and my mom today. I soon finished and grabbed my bag and rushed out the house and into the car. My mom was already in the car so we began to drive off to school. We soon made it and I kissed her cheek and run to the school yard where I see Logan and rush over to him. I smiled brightly and basically cuddled up next to him "Hey Logie!" I said. We talked for a bit then it was time to go into the school and we walked in together. He walked me to class and he rushed to his own class

~Time skip~

Patton's POV
I sigh softly as I leave the school without Logan. Logan was picked up early right after we finished the test we had today. I heard he failed the test. I walked home and entered it and went up to my room,did my homework,cleaned up the house,make dinner and fell asleep on my bed cause I was tired from a long day of school.

Logan's POV

I cry softly in my room as I remember that I failed the test. My parents found out and they picked me up early and beat me as soon as we got home. There was so much blood....I threw up and got beat for that to...I just wanted it to all end...I then fell asleep then and there.


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