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January 1st
New dawn, New day, New Year.

I can't even fathom the man I encountered last night. Immediately after Alexander's speech, Macie came bolting towards me, yanking my arm with the Uber app opened on her phone.

"We can't leave yet, we just got here" I told her.

She dragged me out of the venue, fuming and upset, "Yes we can! What made you think it would be a good idea to try getting with my boss you freak! I bring you here and this is how you embarrass me?".

I was dumbfounded by Macie's words. Getting with him? Does she not know me one bit. I couldn't take such accusations as she was clearly mistaking her character for mine. This was my last straw with Macie, no one would speak to me this way. I never ever like hurting someone's feelings or disrespecting anyone and I never do, unless someone is stepping over me. I don't tolerate being pushed around.

"Excuse me! No one can possibly embarrass you, you're doing a great job of that on your own. And we are both grown women, you do not have the right to continuously interfere with the way I conduct my life and my interactions. Remember your place. Clearly you don't know me at all, I don't throw myself at others or give myself away that easily. I'm entitled to engage in a conversation. And I've had it with your constant negativity crawling down my back. I can't live with you anymore, find another roommate".

After our rather aggressive dispute outside of the venue I looked back at the entrance of the hall, thinking of Alexander. I wanted to re-enter the party and say bye to Alexander. Unfortunately for me, I had to be on the guest list in order to get through security to enter the party and I was merely none other than Macie's plus one. With sad puppy eyes I made my way up the New York City avenue to hail a cab coming to terms that whatever false hope I had of a possible romance was now diminished. At least I ripped off the bandage quickly while the wound was still fresh. Here I am the next morning contemplating the previous events.
I had enough of Macie, trying to interfere with my life, making everything a competition, and barely even paying her rent on time. Last month I had to pay full rent, she's irresponsible, our lifestyles and attitudes are completely different and I just can't take another second of it. I bust my ass each day, working hard, making a better life for myself than the one I grew up with. It's hard to stay focused and determined when you share your living space with a pessimistic, lazy, and unmotivated girl.

Macie came into my room, "Good morning Bitch, for the record I have a replacement for you so get your things ready, you're out by tonight".

I get up from my bed and face her, "When you're the one paying the rent you can point fingers at me. Pack your things. I called the landlord as soon as you woke up".

Macie's jaw dropped, she had nothing left to say. With logic and reason you can always win. I shut my door behind her and took a shower. I hummed to myself as the cooling beads of water rolled across my body, my mind started drifting to Alexander. I left too soon. I wish I had stayed, I wish I at least got to say goodbye to him. I have no way of contacting him. Something about his presence and his aura was so intoxicating. It's not everyday that someone captures my attention.

Previous Night

After finishing my speech I scanned the crowd for the erotic beauty, she was nowhere to be seen. I've been with my fair share of attractive women but this girl was something else. So innocent and delicate, yet luscious and tempting. I want her. Bella. Such a fitting name for a beautiful woman. Her eyes look as though they have all the answers, I could get lost in them.

My body is telling me that I need to find her, I need to have her, at least for a night. Deep within I know that I shouldn't feel this way about her; she is not that kind of girl. She is an intelligent and sophisticated woman, with a warm heart beneath her chest and a powerful head above her shoulders. She exerts class and modesty through her walk and a humble elegance with her talk.

Oddly enough, both men within are involved in this conquest. The young boy who feels but is shunned for it, and the manipulative business tycoon who conquers on impulse. Tonight, the young boy within me, the one who can feel, has made a reappearance after what seems as an eternity, all in response to this Bella.

I don't know if I should appreciate this or be angered by it. I push him to the side and try getting back into character. I can't let one nudge of a feeling throw me off. I smirk to myself as I walk over to the bar. I'm not fazed by the fact that she has left the party. I always get what I want , and when I find Bella, I'll get her too.

The party was creeping towards its end. I order another drink and two drinks, turns into four. Before I know it, all I can hear is "5, 4, 3 , 2 , 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR", confetti is thrown in the air , loud music is playing. A hot blonde turns me around grabbing my face for a New Years kiss, I give her that and much more, I leave the party with the girl under my arm. I walk with her, leading her to a hotel a few blocks down to kick the new year off right.

I own half the hotels on this block so I didn't even need a key, I have a few suites on the top floor reserved for my own personal use. I lead her up to my grand suite and all I can think about is how I wish I could be doing this with Bella, her beauty does not compare, neither does her brain. If she hadn't left the party perhaps she would be here instead, I smirk to myself.

After burning the midnight oil, I had the concierge deliver room service as I left the blonde in my room, with a note "Leave by 11:00 am, the maids have their shift". I am not that cruel, I did leave her breakfast.

I never wait up for a girl I fuck, and I also never bring them to my living space, my penthouse. Once I've had my fill , the woman is ancient history for me, that's how it goes. I have too much power and business to take care of, I can't afford to develop feelings for someone, i don't do feelings. I keep my guard extra secure as I do not like any intruders. I keep my head clear, I do things my own way, and no one is an exception. I was raised upon the fundamental notion that 'to feel is to fail' as my father had always pounded into my brain that emotions are for the weak.

I make my way to work, the blonde from last night is not even a distant memory at this point.

I enter my office, and shut the door fiercely. I have the largest office in my headquarters, with a view of the New York City skyline that looks anew each morning. I place my coffee down beside me on my desk and open up my laptop, taking off my suit jacket and folding it over my chair.

"Pacino" I aggressively take the call, I get up as I wander when I talk on the phone "I already told you I need those fucking files today, if those papers aren't on my desk by noon your whole fucking department is getting fired".

After attending to some other business calls, my secretary reminds me of my conference meeting, I head over to the conference hall and take a seat at the head of the oval table, as a king does.

A new company is coming in today to discuss a potential deal. Bridges World United LLC. wants to open up a shopping mall in the Upper East, requesting investment from Pacino Enterprises.

The company enters and I watch as each representative takes their seat, the President of the company, Leonard Richards comes over to shake my hand with a smile. I don't smile at him because I don't smile at anyone. I don't want to give anyone the false belief that they can penetrate through me. I am not a friend, I am to be feared. I swivel my chair a bit, impatiently waiting for the rest of their team to enter.

As I see the last person enter, my eyes open up a bit and I squirm in my seat, in the daylight she's all the more astonishing. Simply watching this walking beam of innocence makes me want to corrupt her in every way, a wicked smirk plasters on my face. On the one hand the sight of her makes me want to go rabid, but then I remember last night: the way she challenged my mind, the way she confidently quizzed my thoughts, and the way she tempted my senses.

I know she's not like the others. I'm a sharp man and I'm well aware that there is something special about her, she is so vibrant, bright, and full of life. She doesn't deserve a man like me, I am too corrupted for her innocent world.

She sits down and when our eyes meet, her face turns the color of ripe strawberries. She looks like a delicacy as she bites her lip and looks down in her lap, trying to murder her smile. She is nervous, I can't help but enjoy her reaction.
It's her.

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