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Bella snap out of it. You need to focus on the meeting, boss wants you to take notes. I feel myself chewing on my pen so I quickly place it on the table and play with my fingers on my lap. Who would have thought that today's boring meeting would include Mr. Pacino?

I try concentrating on the task at hand, listening to Mr. Richards and taking notes. From the corner of my eye I can see Alexander eyeing me like a hawk. His gaze is not helping, in fact I am going to embarrass myself at any moment. I can no longer concentrate.

"Uh-hem", I hear someone clear their throat. "Ms. Hayes, did you catch that?" Mr. Richards, my boss scolds me.

"Uh..y-yes sir" I begin writing on my notepad profusely after being caught red-handed. I look up again at Alexander but this time he looks away and looks quite angry with whatever Mr. Richards is saying.

"Unfortunately for you I cannot accept these numbers. Are you making a mockery of my company?" Alexander begins raising his voice with his eyebrow raised.

"No sir, you've got it wrong, we were only tryin- g", Mr. Richards responds only to get interrupted by Alexander.

Alexander gets up with his folders in hand as if he's ready to leave, "This meeting is dismissed thank you" he raises his hand at Mr. Richards to halt his speech and strides out the door.

To be honest I am quite confused. Last night I had the impression that Alexander was a compassionate man and today I am seeing a whole new person, a rude and impatient CEO. Aside from that he seems completely disinterested in me, or maybe the lack of substance is part his professionalism. I need to get over myself and this man that I don't even know a fragment about.

As the members of Pacino Enterprise exit the room, I am left with my team. Mr. Richards is in the middle of discussing something and cursing under his breath. He abruptly turns to me, "Ms. Hayes please go into Mr. Pacino's office and hand him this folder, also tell him we wish to schedule another conference with a new proposal to accommodate his needs". I hesitantly grab the folder from his hands. Of course they send me, like a lamb off to fetch the angered wolf. Perks of being Mr. Richard's lousy secretary.

I quietly walk through the halls of the enormous facility and ask someone to direct me to Alexander Pacino's office. I softly knock on the door thrice before I hear a rough masculine voice instruct me to enter.

"Close the door behind you" he says as he looks up at me, his eyes show that he is excited to see me.

He slowly gets up from his chair and strides over to me, so close that I can hear his breathing patterns. He towers over me so I strain my neck to look up at him.

"Bella, what did I do to get so lucky as to see you two days in a row" he whispers and places his forehead against mine. This physical contact is foreign to me. I don't even know this man, why don't I stop this, why am I not uncomfortable. In fact I think I like it.

I step away for a moment, leaving him a bit displeased. "Mr. Richards wanted me to give you this and he wishes to reschedule another meeting- -" I start getting to the point but he cuts me off , pressing his index finger on my lip, tracing it and shushing me.

He takes hold of my chin and leans in. This feeling so unexpected, I can feel what is about to happen and as much as I may like it I gently push Alexander away and take a step back. I am not this kind of girl. I don't kiss and kindle with men that I barely know, I would appreciate it if he didn't prance on me. In a way I feel a bit disappointed that he sees me as someone simply to be kissed, I don't think he takes me seriously because if he genuinely was intrigued by me and my soul, he would try taking it slow and giving me his time rather than his body. He appears to be flustered and confused. I bet no woman has ever rejected his advances before. I could understand why, he is a captivating man.

He looks at me questioningly, "Did I do something wrong?" .

I got really red at this point, I felt as though I was in an awkward position. Here I am attracted to this guy, but feeling resistant at the same time. "Um.. I just. I don't kiss people that I don't know, I would want you to get to know me first".

"I see" he speaks to me as though I'm a kitten or the cutest thing in this world. "It would be my pleasure to get to know you tonight at 8 if your schedule permits it" he says in a playfully instructive tone, this man is slick.

I pretend that I'm pulling out an imaginary calendar from my bag to skim over, he starts laughing, "Hmm let me check my calendar first. Looks like you're a lucky winner, someone wanted to get to know me tonight but they just cancelled so I guess I could squeeze you in at 8". We both laugh, and I'm feeling the mutual adoration that I felt last night, the mood sending electrifying goosebumps across my body.

"I guess that really makes me one lucky man now, doesn't it" he responds.

I nod at him. A smile rises on my face at the realization that I am going on a date tonight.

I am about to leave his office when he pulls my arm bringing me closer to him, "Hey. Don't walk out on me again. How do you want me to find you without your number ? This isn't Cinderella" he chuckles. I blush at my clumsiness and enter my number in his phone. "See you later" I say as he walks me out of his office.


I get back home to my apartment. Macie's car is parked out front. I assume she isn't planning to give up the apartment. When I get into the apartment I hear noises coming from my bedroom, I knock on the door before opening it. What I saw before me made me want to gag. Macie was doing something with not one, but two guys, and on my bed! I absolutely hated her at this point. She was also wearing a diamond necklace around her neck that belonged to me. It was a gift that my grandmother had given me when I was a little girl before she had passed.

"All of you! Get out of this room right now! And give me my necklace back Macie!" I was yelling at this point, so angered and disgusted. This woman had no class. She was doing all this purposefully to get me to leave. I am no quitter, she can try me all she wants but I am not leaving this apartment that I paid for! My lease is not up yet. I am willing to continue paying rent on my own until I find another roommate. She will not live here at my expense.

Macie doesn't get up from the bed and she laughs at my face, "We are just having some fun, stop being such a party pooper".

One of her manwhores speaks up "Either join or get out, we know you want to slut".

I couldn't bare standing here for one more second.

"Everybody get out right now or I'm going to call the police!" I gave them a view of my phone screen, getting ready to dial 9-1-1.

They all look extremely annoyed and gather their clothing walking over to Macie's room. Macie steps out last and I stop her from leaving the room.

"Give me back my necklace" I instruct her sternly.  She looks super pissed and throws the necklace at me, "Go die and rot in a hole" she tells me as she leaves the room.

I lock my door and begin getting ready. I can't wait to get out of here tonight. Alexander will be my escape from all this.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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