Chapter 3 - Seed pt. 3

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As the group settled down around a camp fire, Daryl stood on top of an overturned vehicle, keeping the first watch.

"Mmmm, just like mom used to make," Glenn joked as he tossed away the remnants of his meal.

"So Dean, Sam," Herschel asked, "where do you boys hail from?"

"Lawrence, Kansas," Sam replied.

"What brings you all the way out to Georgia then?"

"Work," Dean replied. "Our mom died when Sammy was still a baby, and our dad took us on the road to start his, er, hunting business."

"We've been part of the family business ever since." Sam added. "We live on the road now, so we had driven down here to check out the situation."

"Situation?" Beth asked.

"The, uh, deer situation. We heard that there was a basically endless supply of venison to be had and we wanted to get our hands on it." Sam covered. Dean gave him a side eye, but turned his head back to the fire.

"So your dad, were you travelling with him when your camp got overrun?" Herschel questioned.

Sam and Dean gave each other a sad look, while Dean replied; "No. He died a few years ago. Killed."

"I'm sorry," Herschel said.

"It's ok. Its been just me and Sammy for a while now, and we've gotten used to the idea. We were travelling with our dad's best friend, our uncle. But..." Dean said, hanging his head not wanting to finish the thought. Herschel seemed to understand and didn't press them anymore.

"Sammy. That's a cute nickname," Beth said, nudging Sam's shoulder and smiling playfully.

"Glad you think so," Sam smiled back at her, making her blush.

Lori looked up longingly at her husband, who was wondering along the fence leading a couple of walkers.

Getting back to the topic of the prison, T-Dog said; "tomorrow, we'll pull the bodies together, wanna keep them away from that water. Now, if we could dig a canal under that fence, we'd have plenty of fresh water."

"And if the soil is good, we could plant some seeds," Herschel added, "grow some tomatoes, cucumbers, soy beans."

Pointing to Rick up at the fence, Herschel noted; "That's his third time around. If there was any part of it compromised, he'd have found it by now."

"This will be a good place to have the baby," Beth said, changing the subject, "Safe."

Dean slowly made his way up to join Daryl on the side of the vehicle. Wrapped in a poncho, Daryl placed his crossbow over his back, helping Dean climb up the side.

"It's not much, but Carol said that if I didn't bring you something then you wouldn't eat at all," Dean said, handing him some food.

"I guess the lil' Shane-er-Rick over there has quite the appetite." Daryl remarked, joking that the pregnant woman had eaten most of the food.

"Shane?" Dean questioned.

"Former member of the group. Friends with Rick and the family before all of this. He ended up sleeping with Rick's wife so we aren't too sure who the baby's father truly is. Shane died the night Herschel's farm was overrun and we had to leave." Daryl explained.

Dean nodded, understanding that maybe it wasn't in his best interest to inquire any further.

"Rick's gotten us a lot farther than I thought he would, I'll give him that. Shane could never have done that" Daryl remarked.

Dean nodded again. "We should get back, make a plan for tonight's watch."

Daryl patted him on the shoulder before making his way down and back to the camp fire.

"Bethy," Herschel said to his daughter, "Sing Paddy Reilly for me? I haven't heard that I think, since your mother was alive."

"Daddy, not that one please," Maggie said in a sad tone.

"How about, The Parting Glass?" he suggested instead.

"No one wants to hear," she argued with her father.

"I would," Sam piped in, "my dad sometimes sang that on a long car trip when he thought we weren't paying attention."

"Okay," she said.

Oh all the money that e'er I spent
I spent it in good company
And all the harm that e'er I've done
Alas, it was to none but me
And all I've done for want of wit
To memory now I can't recall
So fill to me the parting glass
Good night and joy be with you all
Oh all the comrades that e'er I've had
Are sorry for my going away
And all the sweethearts that e'er I've had
Would wish me one more day to stay
But since it falls unto my lot
That I should rise and you should not
I'll gently rise and I'll softly call
Good night and joy be with you all
Good night and joy be with you all

During the song, everyone made their way back to the fire to listen to Beth, and eventually Maggie's song.

"Beautiful," Herschel commented.

"Better all turn in. I'll take watch over there," Rick said, gesturing just in front of him, "Got a big day tomorrow."

"What do you mean?" Glenn questioned.

"Look, I know we're all exhausted. This is a great win. But we gotta push just a little bit more. Most of the walkers are dressed as guards and prisoners. Looks like this place fell pretty early. Could mean that the supplies may be intact. They'd have an infirmary, a commissary..."

"An armory?" Daryl interjected on Rick's speech.

"That would be outside the prison itself, but not too far away," Rick replied, "warden's offices would have info on the location. Weapons, food, medicine, this place could be a gold mine!"

"We're dangerously low on ammo," Herschel reminded him.

"We'd run out before we could make a dent," Dean added.

"That's why we have to go in there," Rick retorted, "hand to hand. After all we've been through, we can handle it, I know it. These assholes don't stand a chance."

Tossing the bit of grass that he was fiddling with, Rick stood up and made his way back out to the fence to keep watch in the night. Lot was up close behind him, following him.

"Psst," she called to him, making him stop in his tracks. "I appreciate everything you're doing, we all do, but it's been a death march and they're exhausted. Can we just enjoy this for a few days?"

"Baby will be here in a few days. There's no time for a picnic." Rick stated firmly.

"No, but it's time to get the house in order, especially with two newcomers," she retorted.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Rick questioned her.

"Your absolute best-"

"Don't patronize me," he said, as he turned to walk away, Lori following close behind.

"I'm not! I'm just saying the baby is about to be here and we need to talk about-"

"About what?" He said, stopping to face her.

"Things we've been avoiding-" Lori said, referencing the previous issue with Shane.

"You wanna talk? Talk to Herschel. I'm doing stuff Lori. 'Things,' isn't that enough? I'm still here!"

"You're right," she conceded, "I'm sorry."

Looking at him longingly, Rick slowly turned his back on his wife and began to walked away.

The rest of the group headed off into their spots on the field to get some sleep before tomorrow came.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2019 ⏰

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