Chapter 3

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Cas threw down his duffel bag on his bed and flopped down next to it. They had decided it would be better to check in to a crappy motel room than to drive back to town. He stood up feeling the ache in his back and Cas abruptly shot his wings. Luckily, Dean was going to wash their clothes and would be gone for awhile. Castiel flopped back on the bed, wings outstretched and looked up at the ceiling. (So freaking help me, if one of you say anything about the ceiling fires I will shank you all.) He couldn't figure out what it was about Dean, but he was so drawn to him.

Cas let out a long sigh and decided that was enough stretching. He pulled his wings back in and decided to turn something on the TV. That's when his phone went off, playing his ringtone for Dean, the song Sin City by AC/DC. Grabbing his phone out of his pocket, he opened his mouth to speak, but Dean cut him off.

"Hey, Cas. I'm gonna head to the store to get some things while these are washing. Need anything?" Cas thought about that for a bit.

"Could use some pie?" Cas finally said. "How long will you be?"

"Mmmmm, pie." Dean said. Cas laughed harder than he had in a long time. "Anyways, the grocery store is about 30 minutes from the motel, so maybe an hour or more?"

Cas sighed. This was good news because Cas could stretch his wings for a while but Dean being gone so long made Cas upset and he had no idea why.

Dean ended the call with a simple, "k bye." Cas plugged in his phone by his bed. He got up and changed into some sweatpants and a t-shirt, he stretched out his wings and laid back wrapping them around himself. He thought about Dean. Why did Cas have to think about him? All Cas wanted to do was be in dean's arms, to be there with the human. To wrap his wings around him. Why did Cas want that? He barely knew the mortal.

Cas must've fallen asleep, because when he woke up, he had a message from Dean.

"Be there in about 10 minutes." Cas jumped up and tried to hide his wings. Finally getting them to retract, he threw his white shirt on again. He laid back down, unbelievably uncomfortable with his wings scrunched up. Minutes later, Dean barged through the door. Cas sat up and looked at Dean.

Before leaving, he had changed out of his suit and tie and into jeans and a black t-shirt with a green flannel. The green flannel brought out Dean's eyes perfectly, Cas thought. Dean closed the door behind him and put the bags of food down on a nearby table. "I'm guessing we're gonna be here for awhile since we're working on that case, so I bought food to put in the mini-fridge."

Cas watched as Dean pulled out 2 6-packs of beer to put in the fridge. After he had lined them up, he pulled out some pie, some frozen pizzas, and some plastic plates and forks. Dean turned around to see Cas looking at him and Dean smiled.

"What?" Dean laughed. Cas immediately felt a blush rise up his neck.

"N-nothing." Cas stuttered. Dean just shrugged and turned back around. Even if someone tortured Cas, he'd never admit to having just checked-out the other agent's ass, even though he did. Cas decided that was enough staring and got up and went over to his duffel bag. He rummaged through it for a while until he found what he was looking for, his sketch book. He walked back over to his bed and plopped down on it, feeling the pain in his back again.

He usually stretches his wings out while he sleeps, but with Dean here, How could he?

Cas opened to the first empty page and started sketching. He didn't know what he was drawing yet, and he usually didn't know until it was done. Dean wandered over to his bed and laid down staring up at the ceiling. Cas continued to draw while Dean just lay there, trying to start a conversation with the other agent. They sat there like this conversing for about 50 minutes. Eventually, Cas stopped drawing to look at his creation.

A dark red blush rose up cas's neck. He ended up drawing the other agent. Cas ripped out the page and folded it up.

"Are you done with that?" Dean said pointing at the page in Castiel's hand. "Can I see it?"

"N-no!" Castiel shoved the picture in his pocket and stood up walking over to the mini-fridge. He pulled out a beer and popped it open. By then, Dean had already stood up and walked over to him. Cas turned around surprised by the sudden proximity of the taller agent. Dean leaned in and grabbed the other agent by the shirt; not necessarily angrily. Cas froze in place blushing profusely.

Dean reaches his hand into Cas's pocket grabbing the piece of paper, when he started staring into the secret-angel's eyes. Dean started to lean in when suddenly Cas's phone rang. Dean realized their proximity and backed off still holding onto the piece of paper. Cas blushed even more than before. He grabbed his phone off of the dresser by his bed and ran out the door. Looking at the caller ID, he rolled his eyes.

Gabriel. He answered and held the phone up to his ear, walking away from their room. "Hello? Gabriel?" Cas spoke into the phone.

"Hey, little bro. How's it going?" Gabriel laughed.

"Oh, uhh.... I guess it's going okay. Why are you calling?" Gabriel laughed again.

"Oh, just seeing how my little bro is doing hanging out with that little human he's been obsessed with since Dad created them." Castiel thought about that. His father created the 'righteous man' and Cas immediately fell in love.

"Shut up." Cas said sheepishly.

"Oh, come on little bro." Gabriel just half-chuckled out. "I don't see why you have such a fascination to these Hairless apes."

"Well, I'll let you know when I figure that out." Cas growled. He hung up his phone and walked back to the motel room. When he got to the room, he hesitated before the door. What if Dean opened the folded paper? What if he finds out I like him? What if he finds out I'm not human?

He slowly reached forward and knocked on the door. He didn't hear anything from inside the room until he heard clicking of the handle. The door flew open and Dean stood there.

Trying not to let dean speak about the paper, Cas hurried to speak. "Sorry, I left my key in here when I took the call. It was my brother and he wanted to check in on me making sure no crazy psychopaths have killed me yet. I mean how crazy is that?" Through Cas's rambling, Dean just stood there mouth agape.

"The picture you drew ... was... a picture of me." Dean looked at Cas's baby blue eyes.

"I know it was weird. When I draw, I don't think I just kind of do it. I never know what I'm going to draw until it's done..." Cas kept rambling hoping he'd be able to calm the situation. But all Dean could think about was why. Why had he drawn him? Did he like him? Well, there's only one way to know. Dean leaned in looking at Cas's lips. Have they always been so perfect?

Cas didn't know what to do. Is he really about to do what I think he's gonna do? Dean got so close that there was only about an inch between the two men. Cas blushed the darkest red he had ever blushed.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." Dean backed off. He handed Cas his picture and turned around heading back into his room. Cas followed behind him and shut the door. Dean walked over to the bathroom and locked the door while Cas walked over to his bed. He pulled off his t-shirt and sat down on his bed and rubbed his hands over his face. Wow, okay, this has been and awkward night. Cas pulled his sheets back and climbed in.

He laid his down on his pillow and wrapped the blankets around him. Cas couldn't sleep though, after the events from earlier, the call from Gabriel, and Dean's awkward encounter, Cas couldn't rest. (He is an angel after all)

Soon enough, Cas heard the shower turn off. Dean walked out and looked at the "sleeping" Castiel. Dean hurried to get dressed and walked over to Cas's bed. "Why did you draw that of me? I know you're asleep and you can't exactly answer, but you said earlier that you just draw and you never know what the turn out will be. But, if this really is your subconscious, why is it focusing on me? Me of all people. A random man with no past, no childhood, no worth."

Dean sat on his bed and ran his hands through his hair. He rolled his eyes and laid down in his bed. He turned off the lamp and soon Cas heard Dean's slow heavy breaths. Cas sat up and looked over at Dean. The human was dead asleep.

 Yee Yee boi🖤

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