Chapter 23

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Clara: yes Jason replied after getting over his shock. He led her down the stairs but before she walked down she said oh doctor, Leo everything you need is in the dining room/conference room whatever. The rest of us went to the dining room and sat down except for the doctor and Leo who picked up some strange pieces of machinery and headed out the door. I heard the doctor start talking in his 90 mile an hour pace I had figured Leo would have been lost after the first few words but he seemed to understand him. The rest of us ate because it had become noon. By the time we had ate off of the plates that magically produced food and sat there not knowing what to do for a few minutes Estra came in. Well you look like you need a direction, hear she said putting a map on the table I had some free time after I visited the salt and pepper shakers so I drew this! The map showed a room that had what looked like a stage and raised platforms. The salt shakers have made a temporary bace. During the meeting I over heard they were talking about another meeting happening at 5:00. So how are we going to do this?

The god of time (doctor/percy jackson) file 1Where stories live. Discover now