21. Under the sky of capital city.

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Jack and Tom were walking down the main road of old city. The architecture of old times and modern buildings were mixed in a beautiful way.

When, for the 4th time, they were passing by a poster of a new action/ science-fiction movie Jack proposed:
-Maybe we should go to the cinema?
They cinema was nearby and they were lucky because the movie they wanted to see started in 20 minutes. Perfect time to use a bathroom and buy some popcorn.

Unfortunately during the movie the most interesting thing was... eating. The popcorn was disappearing quickly and it seemed that the biggest portion wasn't big enough. Jack wanted to take some more snack and palms of his fingers touched Tom's wrist. Boy moved his hand quickly. The next time he moved his hand towards popcorn they hands almost interlaced.
The rest of popcorn stayed uneaten. None of mans dared to move again.

-How did you like the movie?
Tom asked sceptical.
-It wasn't as interesting as I thought it would be. And the special effects were terrible.
-Yeah. And I think that even I would write a better script.
-Are you sure...?
Jack asked laughing but when Tom looked at him coldly he became serious. The boy said quietly:
-Didn't you said that science-fiction isn't your thing?
-One more word about it and you will be going back home on your own.
-Ok, ok. I'm sorry.

When they went out of the cinema Jack asked:
-What should we do next?
And before Tom had a chance to respond Jack shouted:
-Bowling! What do you think about it?
Jack pointed the building across the street.
-I've never done it...
-Don't worry it's easy. I'll show you.
And they went bowling.

Tom ordered burgers&cola and put it on the table beside their bowling alley. After few try this game really became for Tom very easy. So easy that Jack suspected that he only said that it's his first time and for real he's doing in often. He was much better than Jack who was so confident about his skills.

Jack took the last sip of his drink and looked at Tom's cup.
-Can I have your coke?
He asked seeing how Tom gets all the bowls in one go.
Tom agreed and sat on a couch waiting for Jack to throw a ball.
Jack drank and with new energy grabbed the ball.
"This time I'm gonna make it 10."
He thought with confidence. When he turned around after throw, sadly not as good as expected, he saw Tom drinking.
"Isn't it indirect kiss?"
He thought blushing and took another ball.
That day Jack lost in bowling like never in the past.

-Should we go back to the hotel?
Tom asked after paying for their bowling session. Jack already forgotten that Tom might be tired and he has an interview next day in the morning. Before even exiting bowling club he already saw advertisement of horror house.

-Look! There's a horror house. I've heard about it from my friend. Let's go there it'll be awesome.
Tom wasn't sure if it'll be that great. He always liked this kind of stuff but that day he was already very tired. He was afraid that after this kind of evening, next morning he will be looking just like those ghost and zombies.

After entering horror house Tom and Jack were walking closely surrounded by stinky blood and creepy noises. One moment Tom was that scared or surprised that he grabbed Jack's hand. When he realised it, quickly let it go.

Jack was walking bravely enjoying the terrifying costumes of zombies. The real chill he felt at the moment Tom touched his hand. When the man moved back Jack was a little disappointed.

Suddenly a pale woman without an eye, with dark hole in the place of her nose and with sticky blood covering her forehead appeared in front of Jack. Boy screamed and frightened hugged Tom's shoulder.

When Jack cooled down he moved from the man a little. After few seconds he grabbed Tom's hand and didn't get it go until they came out of the darkness.

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