Scarred Arms

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The first week of school came and went. I woke up and went through my usual morning routine. After I was dressed and my bag was packed I got onto the bus. A few minutes passed and Jaxon got onto the bus and sat with me.

I pulled my sweatshirt sleeves down to completely cover my arms.

"Hey, Clem," He said.

"Hi," I replied back.

"Why are you wearing a jacket? It's eighty degrees out!" Jaxon laughed.

My sleeve had been pushed up slightly, but just enough to reveal skin.

"What's wrong with your arm? Here, take off your sweatshirt."

I took my left arm out of my sleeve, and then the right.

Beneath the fabric was my scarred wrists going up to below my elbow. Thankfully nobody was paying enough attention to see me, and Jax made sure to turn his back to the isle so nobody could peek in.

"I had no idea," He said, and he accidentally touched one of the cuts.

"Ow!" I pulled my arm away.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to!"

Suddenly, the bus came to a stop, but we weren't at the school.

"Who gets on here?" I tried to make out the face of the girl getting on the bus, but I had forgotten to put my contacts in so I couldn't see.

"I don't kn-" Jaxon was cut off by a squeal of an overexcited girl.

"Jaxon, bab- Oh my god!" It was Abby, and she was staring wide eyed at my arms.

"Eww! Clementine cuts!" She shrieked, and everyone stopped talking. Some said "ew" and other snickered.

My cheeks were hot with embarrassment.

"Abby! Why do you have to be such a bitch?" Jaxon frowned and handed me my sweatshirt back.

I saw that people had moved their seat away from us, as Abby stood in the middle of the isle.

"Why are you standing up for her? She's disgusting!"

"She's not disgusting! But you know who is? You!" There were people "oohing" as Jaxon stood up.

I had never noticed how tall Jaxon was compared to Abby and I. I am about 6 feet tall at the age of 15, Abby was about 5 feet 10 inches, and Jaxon had to be at least 6 feet 6 inches.

"Ugh, what's your problem, Jaxon?" She almost had to look up to see his face.

"You're my problem!" Jaxon shoved Abby down the isle.

They both bickered back and forth, both getting more angry and Jaxon shoving her more.

I stood on the seat and yelled,"Stop!"

I hadn't put my jacket back on, and everyone gasped as they saw my arms. Jaxon turned around and walked back towards our seat. The bus was silent with only small whispers I could hear clearly.

"Who is that girl?" Said some.

"Why does she cut it's gross!" Said others.

Ten minutes passed, and without saying anything Jaxon tapped my shoulder. I looked at him and he pointed to his arm. Slowly, he pulled up his sleeve to reveal cuts and scars. Some of which looked new.

"I'm stupid for moving. I should've stayed in New Jersey where I could kill myself without people caring," I whispered, and my eyes filled with tears.

He put his arm around me,"I love you, Clem."

Jaxon turned to Abby who was in front of us.

"Hey, Abby?"

"Well well, come to apologize?" Abby turned to him and crossed her arms.

"Actually no. See these cuts?" He pulled his sleeve down again to show Abby.

Abby widened her eyes.

"This is what you do to me. We're over," He said, then giving her the finger.

Abby stared at him, her jaw nearly dropping to the floor. She turned away with a "hmph".

Jaxon turned back to me.

"Well she's taken care of," He said.

"Thank god."

"There's something I've been meaning to tell you."

"You can tell me anything," I assured.

Jaxon leaned in closer to me, closed his eyes, and kissed me.

It was one of the best things that had ever happened in my life.

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