Chapter 13: The Surprising News

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I woke up the next morning not feeling so well. Carefully I got up and headed to the bathroom, to try and freshen up. At the instant smell of breakfast I violently got sick, with my head almost in the toilet. A knock on the bathroom door, caught my attention. It was Stephanie, Eleanor and Sophia seeing if I was okay. At the sight of me beside the toilet they all got worried and tried to help me to bed. As I was walking past the sink I noticed a box of tampons sitting on the sink, my mind instantly started to work. I have been a couple weeks late on my period, the thought of me being pregnant made me more anxious. Once the girls helped me back to bed, I told them what I thought it could be. "Maybe your right." Eleanor said. "I mean it all makes perfect sense." "Yeah the thought of me being pregnant, has me nervous for not only me but Zayn too." I replied. "Well when we stop for our next concert, we will go buy a test." Stephanie told me. "That's a good idea, all I want to do now is rest but don't mention it yet to Zayn, I want to see the test result first." I replied. "We won't." They all said together. The girls left the room for me to rest for a little while, they told Zayn I wasn't feeling good but didn't say anything else. He came in every once in awhile to check on me, and brought me Sprite and saltine crackers. "We are getting close to stop, are you sure you want to stay on the bus?" He asked me for the millionth time. "Yes it would be best if I did." I replied slightly aggravated. "Okay I'll be back later to check on you." He said kissing my forehead before walking out the door. A few minutes later, I felt the bus stop and heard everyone get off. Not even five minutes later they girls came back with the test, they helped me get up and head to the bathroom. Once I was I there, Stephanie handed me the test. "All three of us will be waiting outside the door." She told me. I nodded my head and carefully got the box out and read the directions. I did what the box told me and waited patiently for the results. I tried to get my mind off of it the best I could, and not get too freaked out. A beeping sound came from the test telling me it was finished, I carefully picked it up as I read the results. I held my breath and gasped when I saw two pink lines appear on the screen. I couldn't believe I was pregnant, by Zayn Malik. "Girls you won't believe it" I exclaimed. They all came rushing in and when they saw the results they got super excited. "Omg your going to have a baby!" Sophia squealed. "I know it's hard to believe, I'm so nervous to tell Zayn." I replied back. "Don't worry we will figure out a romantic way for you to tell him." Stephanie replied. Once we all got out of the bathroom, the talk to tell Zayn began. We all decided to wait until they all got back and were in the living room together to announce it. The girls helped me with my outfit, hair and makeup to tell him. I was so nervous I almost began shaking with excitement. The boys came back a few hours later from practice and noticed all five of us girls waiting on them. Once Zayn walked into the room, I instantly stood up and walked over to him. "Hey is everything okay?" He asked me looking suspicious at all five of us girls. "Theres something I need to tell you and you may need to sit down for this one." I replied back. "Okay?" He said sitting down on the couch beside Harry who was stuffing his face with food. "Zayn, when I tell you this you will be very shocked." I started out. "Whatever it is, I can handle it." He replied taking my hand. "Okay here it goes, I'm pregnant." I said out loud so everyone could hear. As soon as I said that the reactions in the room were priceless, Harry choked on his food, Niall, Liam and Louis all cheered. Zayn's reaction of course was a total shock, for a few minutes he didn't say anything he just looked at me with a surprise look on his face. After ten minutes or so, he finally said words. "Are you serious?" He asked surprisingly. "Yeah the test doesn't lie." I replied holding up the test for him to see. "I can't believe I'm going to be a dad, I'm so excited." He replied picking me up and spun me around before giving me a kiss. "Yes we are going to be uncles!" Harry, Louis, Liam and Niall exclaimed. "We still need to tell your mom, and sisters." I told him. "That's true, we can just FaceTime them." He told me pulling his phone out of his pocket. "We all will go so we can let you share the news." Sophia, Eleanor and Stephanie told us taking the other guys with them. We both waved as they left and got prepared to tell the news. Zayn hit FaceTime and his moms name, the next thing I heard was the rings on his phone as it was connecting. He held the phone up so both of out faces would be on the screen, it rang for a little bit before she would answer. His moms face appeared on the screen with a smile on her face. "Hey guys what's up?" She asked as soon as she answered. "Mom get the girls in the room with you and then sit down we have BIG news." He told her. She called the girls into the room and sat down. "Okay everyone is here, what's going on?" She asked. Zayn looked at me with the "are you ready look" I nodded my head and got ready to announce the news to them."Ashley's pregnant." He said looking right into his moms eyes on the camera. In the background all three of his sisters cheered while his mom sat there with her hand over her mouth and tears in her eyes. "Oh my goodness." She finally said after a few minutes of silence. "I'm so shocked and excited to be a grandma." She exclaimed. She started asking me questions about how I'm feeling and how my morning sickness is so far. I answered every question honestly and we talked a few more minutes before hanging up. After we hung up, I sat there looking down at my belly and smiling. "We told my mom and now it's time to tell yours." Zayn told me wrapping his arms around me. "Oh boy telling my parents will be more interesting than tell your mom" I told him. "I doubt it." He replied "You have no idea, try growing up with really strict parents your whole life." I replied cringing at the memories. "Yeah your right." He replied smiling and making me feel better. The call to my parents wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, they were very supportive and super excited to have another grand baby. I talked to them a few more minutes before hanging up. "See it wasn't so bad now was it?" Zayn said smirking at me. "Yeah your right, just imagine all of your fans, magazines and paparazzi's finding out." I told him cuddling up next to him. "Oh boy that will be interesting but I know we can get through it together." He replied kissing me on the forehead. Smiling I knew everything was going to be okay.

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