~The Job of a Highschool Host!~

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"What is this?" Haruhi wondered has she walked into the Host Club, well what she thought was the Host but looked more like a tropical jungle

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"What is this?" Haruhi wondered has she walked into the Host Club, well what she thought was the Host but looked more like a tropical jungle. 


"Oh, you finally made it Haruhi, you're so late." the twins said together.

"I couldn't find Hatsumi-" Haruhi was cut off mid sentence by her sister jumping on her.

"I was here an hour ago." Hatsumi had talked Kyoya into giving her a tropical themed outfit that matched the Host boys. "How do I look Haruhi?"

"I could be wrong but my calendar still says it's early spring." Haruhi said pulling out a small calendar, ignoring her sister.

"Huddling under a kotasu table, fearing the cold would be nonsense!" Tamaki sang,

"Do you have an issue with the way we run our club Haruhi?" Kyoya asked, "Be careful what you say, remember you still owe us 8 million yen."

"Fine men do not bundle up in bulky clothing. It may be chilling early spring out in the real world, but in our club, we want to welcome our chilly, little kittens to a warm, south tropical aura!" Tamaki sang dramatically. "Oh yes! Today we turned this place into a supreme paradise, a hot island of everlasting summer!"

"That's funny because I on the other hand, feel a chill in every sense of the word." Haruhi said.

"You're no fun Haruhi." Hatsumi stuck her tongue out at her sister before running off to Honey and Mori's table to eat cake.


"Oh, yes, I almost forgot to to mention to you girls, next week The Ouran Host Club will be sponsoring a dance party." Tamaki told the three girls at his table.

"A dance party?" Haruhi asked.

"A dance party!?" Hastumi jumped out from the tree's, making Tamaki and the girls jump a little.

"We rented the school's largest hall." Hikaru told his guest's.

Hatsumi watched the twins and their brotherly love act before jumping over to Kyoya and Haruhi,

"The girls seem more worked up today." Haruhi said taking a glass from Hatsumi.

"Showing skin is always more popular with the ladies." Kyoya said writing in his notebook.

"So was this your idea Kyoya?" Haruhi asked.

"I have no decision-making authority. The club's policies are all laid out by the king, Tamaki." Kyoya looked up from his notebook to push up his glasses, "Although, I may have found it worth the effort to casually slipping a photo book of Bali onto his desk."

"Kyoya-kun is very sneaky." Hatsumi whispered to Haruhi, Kyoya smirked hearing her comment.


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