MAMAMOO reactions 1

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To you singing/rapping there part

Would walk into your shared apartment to hear you singing her part

And would join in with you and dance around
"You have a really good voice" she said as she kissed you

You had your earphones in when you were on your laptop so you couldn't hear her enter the room when you were rapping her part

She would stand at the door smirking because you were actually pretty good and she was proud you were all hers

You were in the dressing room waiting for her coming back from practice for her stage and your playlist was on shuffle when Mamamoo Came on and you just started singing
Then wheein came back into the room

"Hey that's my song" you both laughed and then sat together listening to the rest of the songs that were on shuffle as she was on brake for a while

She was in the practice room with you she was dancing to
And you just started doing her part

She continued to dance with a smirk on her face after she got you up to dance with her too

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