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"That'll be $94.12 please..." 

"Yeah here."

"Thank you!"

"Alright here's your change. Have a wonderful day darling."

"Thanks. You too" you smiled. You turned as you walked outside the store with Ool gazing for Gazzy. But nothing.

"Who the hell you looking for" someone said

You turned to see Gazzy standing there looking mad as hell. Why tho?

"Nobody, you asshole..." you spat walking away with Ool. You didn't look back at the guy. You didn't wanna see his dumbass face.

I kinda do...


You continued forward with Ool, walking silently. Footsteps were heard from behind, but you didn't care. You placed all the items inside before getting in the passenger seat with Ool driving.

"We good?" He asked

"Yeah just him." You pointed at Gaz. "He's being an ass." Ooo just nodded as a small chuckle escaped his lips.

Some music played as he continued driving home. You mumbled the words while on your Instagram. Like, like, like.  You tapped away.

The car stopped and soon was turned off. You got out and got some of the food, unlocking the door and placing the stuff on the counter. You heard foot steps and went to see.


Shit shit shit SHIT

"HEY COOLIE" you exclaimed as him.

"Hey mamas. What's up?" He stopped mid flight. You looked around "you should go shopping for yourself! Birthday stuff! See what you like so I can get an idea of what you want!" You brought up.

"That sounds fun I wanna get some stuff. I don't wanna go alone though. You w-"

"Gazzy can go with you!"

"Gazzy!" You called him as he walked inside on his phone. He looked up and started walking away. "Baby can you go out with Coolie? He didn't wanna go shopping alone..." you said to him warmly.

Gazzy looked like he had hesitated. But, gave in. "Sure baby.." he melted. He finally seemed...soft.

He didn't look mad. Satisfied, happy, warm. He walked up to the both of you as you winked at him. He smiled and pulled Coolie up the stairs to get ready.

"Since when are y'all together?" Craig said softly seeming hurt. "Oh. Nah we're not together" you giggled.

He brightened up, still looking confused.

"He admitted to liking me. I told him I didn't feel the same and he was mad about something so I acted all nice to get him to take coolie out while we decorate. Is that fucked up...?" You said regretting it now that you looked back.

"Don't worry. He should understand. But that was a good idea." Craig stated with an amused expression.

You two walked to the kitchen and then outside to the huge backyard that contained a pool. "we invited about three hundred people hehe"

"Holy shit. Awesome thanks." You side hugged him. "Alright I'll get the decorations so we can start putting stuff up. Ight?" You said walking off.

"Kk! I'll be here." Craig replied.

I know it's shirt but I wanted more in since I took a while with the last one. I love you babes so much. Leave names for the dog!

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