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"Why we going to the back nigga?"

"Let's just go man. I think (y/n) has a small present or something I don't know" Gaz lies





"Holy shit!" Coolie screamed while running father in the backyard. "Thank you guys oh my god.." he turned to the main clique with a huge smile. "I fucking love y'all so much. Who planned this?"

You looked to your sides to see the guys all looking at you. "Hehe" you giggled warmly as he ran up to you, picked you up and hugged the shit out of you.

"I know it's just a party but I hella appreciate this ma." He placed you down and looking at you "I just don't deserve people as great as y'all on Jah"

"Nigga don't put my name in vein the fuck" Jah told coolie and y'all laughed. "We love you coochie cut. Happy birthday..." you hugged him as he wrapped his arms around your waist. He placed his head on top of yours as y'all stood in silence.

The guys had been mumbling stuff to each other but you couldn't hear. You didn't care either. Imyou focused on Coolie. The birthday boy..

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday day to you! Happy birthday to coolie...." you sang softly with the rest as you sat by him.

"Happy birthday to you... make a wish." You said warmly as he blew the candles. "Best birthday ever y'all. I fucking love everyone here so much." He sat down with the biggest smile yet.

"Don't worry. There's more to come. We a fucking family!" Ming exclaimed while music continued and everyone continued to their doings; singing, dancing, playing in the pool, eating ect.

It was great. No worries, no boredom. Just fun...

You walked over to the kitchen to get some more drinks as someone stepped behind you. "Hey" they began.

"Hey" you returned without viewing who it was.

"So I'm not getting a kiss...?"
"Huh?" You turned to see Gazzy. Of course...

"Dude, seriously?" You bursted unto laughed continuing to get drinks and walk out. Gazzy pulled you back really hard causing you to fall and drop the glass bottles of alcohol.

"What the fuck man? Are you serious?" You carefully stood, backing away from the broke glass.

"Baby chill out..." he began to slur.

Oh god not now...

Gazzy stood and picked you up while you attempted to pull away, failing. "Cmon babyyyyyyy..." he walked up the Stairs, falling but the grip he had on you. Shit was insane.

"Gazzy I swear let me fucking go!" You started pushing and punching him as hard as you could.

"Baby that tickles.." he giggled and hiccuped at the same time.

Into his room you guys went. He threw you on the bed and chuckled walking away. You were about to run out the door but he pulled you back.

"Babyyyy stop. I wanna chill with you..." he mumbled placing you on top of his legs and leaning to kiss you.

You giggled and pushed him down as he looked to the side. "Baby.."

"Have a good night." You mumbled as he turned the opposite way. You exited the room to see stokely looking at you.

"Hey stokes. What's wrong..?" You questioned

"I got scared cus I didn't find you..." he said softly

"Oh. I'm okay" you replied

"He didn't do anything?" He asked walking up to you and pulling you into a big hug.

"He didn't. I'm fine..." you mumbled, you're face in his chest with his warmth wrapped around you.

"Good." He mumbled planting a kiss on your head and gesturing back to the party.

You walked outside to see people having fun. Just as planned....

((YALL I STG I am so so so so so so sooooo sorry I haven't posted. School just started and consumes all my time... I am trying to update and much as possible because I love you guys so much. I love u my children 😔 good day/night 💗))

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