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The rising sun shined over the ocean as Malley Kite sat by the shore. She dug her toes into the water-soaked sand and then she used her hydrokinesis to bring balls of water around her in bubbles. Malley smiled as the bubbles danced for her when one bubble, in particular, caught her eye. It was purple and there was a four-pointed gem inside. Malley reached out, gently grasped the purple bubble, and looked down at the gem.


The bubble burst, Malley jumped up, and the orange gem fell on the sand. A blink of an eye later, the gem glowed a brilliant orange and floated off the ground. Malley watched silently with wide light-green eyes as the orange light morphed into a large and buff humanoid shape. But then it suddenly fizzed and crackled into the shape of a giant monster on all fours. The light vanished and in its place was the large corrupted orange gem monster with green blotches.

"Jasper," Malley said. She took a step closer.

The sound of the shifting sand made the corrupted gem jerk it's head up and face the malachite gem. Jasper growled.

"J-Jasper. It's me, Malley Kite." Malley said trying to sound reassuring and calm like Steven would. "You and Lapis created me. Don't you remember?" She lifted her right hand up to the beast.

Corrupted Jasper lifted her head up closer, seemingly to inspect the hand. But then she pounced and pinned Malley to the sand under the weight of her paw.

Malley screamed as Jasper pressed harder... and then, corrupted Jasper and Malley started to glow at the same time.

Malley could feel her form melting away and fusing to the corrupted gem. She couldn't stop as their form grew taller, limbs melding, and emotional torment mixing with her own. A sense of dread filled her as she felt the form starting to solidify. She couldn't see herself, in fact, she couldn't see at all, but she knew they were bigger and quite monstrous. Jasper's corrupted form with the addition of Malley's upper half. Bleached, long white hair, claws for hands, no eyes, muddy brownish skin tone with the malachite colored spots all over their body, and a large maw for a mouth.

The giant fusion's maw opened wide as it screamed.


Malley gasped; her light-green eyes opened wide as she woke up. She sat up, clinging to her fluffy blanket, and blinked at the light of the morning sun coming from the front window. She was still in the beach house and still in her own form.

Malley sighed and fell back on the couch, "Bad dream." she whispered to herself.

Steven's yawn could be heard. "Morning Malley." He stepped down the stairs in his banana pajamas, but Steven's smile disappeared when he saw the distant look on Malley's face. "Are you okay?" he asked.

Malley sat up again, smiled and rubbed the back of her head. "Yeah, I'm alright." She said.

"I know that look, Malley. That's the 'I just had a scary vision about my mom, and I don't understand it' look." Steven said.

Malley snickered. "Well, you'd know a lot about those." She said.

Steven couldn't help but crack a smile too. "It's true." He replied.

They both snickered.

"Well, you know I'm here if you wanna talk about it," Steven said.

Malley gave a small smile. "It's Jasper..." she said. "She fused with me..."

Steven's eyes widen a bit. "And you... didn't like it?" he asked.

Malley's smile faded and she shook her head.

Malley Kite 2: ReuniteWhere stories live. Discover now