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"here we have this Florence Grey dining set. the plates are marble and come with gold cutlery and we were thinking an orchid for the centrepiece... over here we have the Queen's favourite, Wedgwood Astbury dining set, the cutlery is gold to match the plates accent and we thought of roses for the centrepiece." the wedding advisory explained as Beyoncé and her walked across the ballroom looking at all the different dining sets for the wedding reception. bey and shawn haven't given a date but thought it would be good to get the planning over with early so when they do have a date they had less stress. "the Queen has good taste i like this one too." she said smiling. the planner wrote down her preferred dining set so she could speak with shawns advisor later. "so onto table and chairs now..." the advisor said guiding her to the next section of the ballroom. while Beyoncé was looking she was interrupted by her assistant, "excuse me miss knowles, sorry to interrupt but there's a phone call for you in your office, i've been told it's urgent." Beyoncé nodded, "okay, i'll be right back." she said to the wedding advisor before following her assistant out of the ballroom and to her office that she shared with shawn.

when Beyoncé and her assistant walked in she saw shawn doing paperwork at his desk but he noticed her walk in and he smiled. "how's planning going?" "meh." she said making him laugh. Beyoncé went to her desk and the assistant re-dialled the number for her and waited until the person picked up, "Hello sir, I have Miss Knowles here for you." she said before giving Beyoncé the phone. "hello?" Beyoncé said, "Beyoncé, it's me matthew... i know we haven't spoke in a long time but... i just wanted to talk to you." matthew said making Beyoncé freeze. her father chose to contact her after 25 years. she didn't know what to say but she didn't want to speak to him at all. "i know this may come as a shock to you... and i am really sorry. i'm sorry for everything. i tried calling your personal number but you weren't answering i guess you were busy but i called because... i wanted to meet you and Shawn and give you guys my blessing. i know it's been a long time but... you're still my little girl no matter what." Beyoncé felt her blood boiling the more he talked. she slammed the phone down and put her face in her hand wanting to calm down. "baby what happened? who was it?" shawn asked getting up to go over to her desk. Beyoncé took a few deep breaths before looking up again. "Salma, can you leave me and shawn alone for a minute please?" Beyoncé asked making her assistant nod. "of course." she said before leaving the room. once the door closed shawn crouched down so his face was level with Beyoncé's. "who was it?" he asked gently. "... my dad." she replied sadly. shawn could see the sadness in her face, he remembered when Beyoncé told him how her dad left when she was really young after her parents divorce. it was clear that they never had any type of relationship after that. suddenly Beyoncé stood up making shawn do the same and she began to walk out of the room, "where are you going?" shawn asked, "to speak to my mother." Beyoncé said in an irritated tone before leaving the room.

"Beyoncé calm down. you know i've never stopped your father from speaking to you." tina said hearing how mad and disappointed her daughter was through her voice. "i know that mama and that was fine when i was a child. i'm a full grown adult now and it seems real convenient how he wants to talk to me now when i'm involved with a royal family. that's what annoys me the most. he tried to seem so sincere when all he wanted to do was be seen in the public eye and get money. it's ridiculous how can you want to profit off your own daughter like this?!" Beyoncé said in an agitated tone. the door opened and it was shawn but he stayed quiet seeing she was on the phone and just sat on the bed. "baby i understand you're angry. but as your mother, i've always made the effort to never say anything bad about your father especially to you. you're a grown woman now so you can make your judgement, but i understand your sadness. and i'm sorry baby i wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt that's why i gave him your number." tina explained making Beyoncé sigh, she knew her mother would never do this maliciously. "i know mama i'm not mad at you. it's just the fact that another situation has been created because of him, that's why i'm mad. i can't see him keeping this to himself either." she said palming her face and sighing. "just ignore the papers baby, don't read anything and focus on the wedding. this is about you and shawn nobody else." tina said but Beyoncé just sighed having a feeling something was about to go down. first it was lyndell going to the tabloids and now she has a hunch her own father will as well. "okay mama. i gotta go bit i'll talk to you later." "okay baby take care i love you." "i love you too bye." she said before ending the call.

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