So, I got tagged #2

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1. Well my first names Edil but that's all i'm gonna say ;-;

2. I Write(Duh), draw, read, roller blade, a pllay video games 




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5. Learn to do digital art and possibly publish a book

6. I never sleep well ;-; 

7. A close group of friends, maybe 6?

8. Nope, despise it

9. In school? English and creative writing

10. I was born in Idaho but i'm half Mexican

11. Nope, not good at sports and I don't like the attention it brings

12. probably not? Idfk

13. -$100,000.99

14. K. Flay, Melanie Martinez, Troye Sivan, ect.

15. I have 1 younger brother

16. EhhH to me I think My art is pretty bad but idk?

17. ?

18. Yess >.>

19. Single

20. Bennedict Cummberbatch





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