The news

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Corey's pov
It's was me,drew,and searra at the hospital with Tasha I like her but I don't want to jump into anything right now not after what just happened because she did it for a reason and I want to know the reason she did it because I don't want to lose her before I know it tears were streaming down my face
"Are you ok corey" searra and drew asked
" yeah I'm fine I just really like her and don't want to lose her you know" I said
"Yeah I know corey but it will be alright they said that they could still hear a heart beat" she said
"I know" I said and looked at the floor
The doctors finally came out and that's when we got the news
"Family for Thompson" the doctor said
"That would be us" searra said pointing to me and drew
"Ok so we have to give her a blood transfusion but she is AB+" the doctors said
"I am to can I do it" I said
"Yes we just need you to sign papers" he said
"Ok" I said
(By the way I don't even now if that is a real blood type and I don't know if that is Corey's blood type but it goes with the story)
I went  to sign papers and they started the process but the only thing I hate is I have to be in the same room with her and it's not that I don't want to be don't get me wrong I just don't like seeing her so lifeless
Drew's pov
I was in my own thoughts when searra starts talking to me
"That's was really nice of corey" she said
"Yeah he only does stuff like this for the people he cares about because he hates needles" I said
"So do think corey has more feeling for Tasha then he actually says" she asked
"Oh yeah for sure the only person that he would actually to this for is  his brother or mom or dad you know" I said
" oh so only people he loves" she said
"Oh god corey loves Tasha" I said
"By the way can I talk to you" I added
" yeah what is it" she said
"I like you a lot and I was wondering if you would go on a date with me when Tasha back home and feeling better" I asked
"I would love to" she said blushing slightly
Searras pov
It was a couple hours and corey Came back and said that we can all go back and see her now but I told Drew to go and head back
"Hey corey can I talk to you for a minute" I asked
"Yeah sure what's up" he said
"Do you like Tasha" I asked
"Yeah I guess I do" he said
"Ok good because she needs to forget her ex" I said
"What do you mean by that" he asked
"Well I don't know the whole story but something bad happened with her ex and her" I said
"Oh do you think she will tell me the whole story" he asked
"Maybe but let's go see her" I said
"Ok" he said
With that we went  to her room and seen her after about an hour me and drew left to go get some sleep and Corey  stayed with Tasha we got home and I walked over to mine and Tasha's house and cleaned up the mess and went to sleep
At about 6am I got a phone and I answered it, it was Corey so I answered
(C:Corey, s:searra)
C: hey you need to get down here now
S: why what's going on
C: you will see when you get here
S: ok I'm on my way
With that me and drew left
Within a few minutes we were at the hospital and we when and asked for Tasha's room and walked up there
When we got up there i opens the door and there sat Tasha with the bandages on her wrist and she just looks at us like she doesn't understand what's going on or who we are
"Corey is she ok" I said
"Yeah she is fine she just woke up with a little bit of confusion but she fine she knows so we are and everything just not so clear" he said
"Oh ok" I said to corey
"Well I'm glad you are ok" I said to Tasha
No response she just looks at Corey
"What's going on why won't she talk to me" i said to Corey
"She hasn't said a word since she woke up she just stares at me and I don't know why" she said
"Oh ok well you work with her me and drew have plans" I said "and plus she seems to have a liking to you" I added
"I love you Tash please open up to Corey" I said
And that's when her head finally snapped from Corey and looked at me and then she pointed to Corey and said
"Yes that's Corey" I said
Corey's face lights up
"Pretty... Corey's pretty" she said
The doctor came in because we left and she snapped and was watching every move that Corey would make.
"So here's the bad news Tasha had hit her head when she blacked out she is suffering for a miner memory loss then good new is she should recover fast." The doctor said
"How ever she will need time but we will keep her until she talks" he added
"Ok" we all said together
Me and drew left and when on our date and it went well but I have no idea what he is thinks.
Drew's pov
The date went amazing I actually like her.
We went back to my house and when we walked in I got a bunch of questions (where's Corey,why isn't he here, why has he been gone) mainly just From brother capron
"Dude he is fine I promise remember that girl that Corey was hung up on since we went to their house" I said
"Oh yeah what's her name....... Tasha right" he said
"Yes Tasha well she hurt herself while searra was here" I said
"Hurt herself by that so you mean she fell or she harmed herself" he asked
"Harmed" I simply said
He kinda went sad then we went to bed

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