The very loud neighbors

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"What the heck" i said
I go outside to see what all the noise was and it was our neighbors they are doing flips and stupid stuff off the weird looking plate form thing it's a bunch of guys and two girls but I go inside and searra is coming out of here room with a sour look on her face
"Why you so sour looking" I say trying not to laugh
"What in the hell is all that noise" she said
"Oh it's that neighbors they are having fun" I laugh
"It's not funny I was trying to sleep" she said sounding very annoyed
"Searra it is 12:00 in the afternoon you are fine" I said a little annoyed now
"Fine what ever" she said then walked away
"God she is grumpy when she gets woken up" I say to myself
After all the noise quiets down I grab my guitar and camera and go outside I start up the camera and start playing I'm doing one of those dry run videos no practice nothing just going for it so I choose to sing what ever came to mind first and it was without me by Halsey I got finished and turned off my camera I looked at the neighbors and they all were looking at me I got very nervous so I got up and walked to the house
2 hours go by
There's a knock at the door so I go and answer it
I opened the door and three of the neighbor boys are standing there
"Can I help you" I say
" uh um yeah well um you was the one singing right" the tall dark haired boy said
"Yeah and you guys must be our very loud neighbors" i said
" yeah sorry about that but we are YouTubers and we are just so used to not being around other people you know" the short dark haired boy said
" understandable by the way what are your names" I ask
"Oh yeah I'm corey" the short one said
"I'm Capron" the tall one said
"We are brothers" Corey said
"Cool now you" i said
"I'm drew Dirksen" the blonde one said
"Oh were you In a band called the tide" I asked
"Yeah I was you know it" drew asked
"Yes I do I loved it by the way" I said
"Thanks and you have a beautiful voice" he said
"Your very funny no I'm not I just do it for fun" I said
Searra came out of her room and saw the boys she freaked out and went back in her room
"Well that was weird I've never seen her do that" I said
No one said anything so I broke the silence and told to come in and just sit on the couch and when to see what is wrong with searra
"Hey you ok " I said
"Yeah I'm fine that guy was just really hot" she said
" which one" I asked
"The one with blonde hair" she said blushing
"Ohhh that's drew why don't you just come out and talk to him" I asked
"Oh my god they are here" she said
" yeah" I said
"Ok" she agrees
We walk out to the living room and the boys are sitting on our couch playing fortnite I sit down and ask for my controller and start to play.
"Oh my god you are really good at this game" corey said
"Not really I just shot people" I said kinda blushing
"Ooooo Tasha likes that boy" searra said
"No I don't and he's name is corey" I say
"And his name" she asked
"That's Capron" i said
We get back to playing after a few rounds the boys went home we got there numbers

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