Chapter 17

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The next couple of days dragged on for the Ritires and company. Owen wasn't allowed to leave Carrion Cove, spending his time practicing with his abilities and doing various other tasks Es had given him. She was the one who was mostly in charge of him, though that didn't change the fact that he practically worshiped Ty. Whenever he saw her, he would beg her to spar with him, even though he'd always lose.

Es, when she wasn't babysitting Owen, was in charge of leading the Sheriff astray. She felt bad, lying to him, but she knew her strengths. Within two days, she had him convinced that Owen must have fallen into a nearby lake and drowned while trying to escape.

Sam was finally beginning to be able to speak again. Two years had done a lot to damage his vocal chords, but they were recovering well with Eira's help; now, though his voice was low and a little distorted at times, he was able to speak. He began to pull his weight, helping with cleaning and research. They hadn't told Crann about him yet, not sure how they'd react.

Nes was growing more and more distant every day. It seemed that with every step Sam would take forward, Nes would take two back. At the end of the second day it hit a point where even Sam couldn't reach her. She would spend her days in front of a chalkboard they'd found in a storage room, trying to plot out their next plan of attack. Once the sun set, she would head downstairs to join most of the others in reading through the various books. It was a slow-going process, with little reward, but it was all they could think to do.

Ty took charge of training Eira. Owen would sit in on their sessions, though he wasn't allowed to join them. They would practice for five hours a day -- starting before breakfast and ending around lunch -- and afterward she would help Owen with his water. At night, when the others would go down to the library, she would join them. She wasn't a lot of help -- she got distracted fairly easily -- but every little bit counts.

Eira never found time to relax. She was up before the sun with Ty. She had a working lunch -- she was going through and translating all of Senwek in case she needed to quickly understand something in the heat of the moment -- and would then practice her tochs until she joined the others for research.

In the morning of the third day, almost everyone has darker than usual bags under their eyes. They sit around the breakfast table as Nes stands. "Today we--"

"We need a break," Ty says. "Can't we do something else? Anything else?"

"How's your plan of attack coming?" Es asks. "Maybe we should try and get that out of the way."


Nes is cut off as soon as she starts to speak. "Nessa," Sam starts, "You need to listen to them."

Her face goes hard but she gives a curt nod. "Fine. We can spend the day figuring out how to take down the Adda."

Eira turns to Ty with a hopeful smile. "Does that mean we're not doing anything after breakfast today?"

Ty slings an arm around her. "Don't worry, you can miss the beginning. We can't let up now."


"This is all you have?" Es asks, her voice harsh. "You've been working on it for two days straight. And this is it?"

"Nothing I can think of will work," Nes says.

"Then why didn't you call us in to help sooner?" Es frowns at the blackboard, reading off it. "'Find a Toch that repels mental attacks. Long distance.'"

"Look, Cenn--"

"Nessa tried her best. You know she's not good at reaching out to others. What would you add, Esmee?"

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