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(warnings: angst, sadness, fight scene!)

SOUNDS OF theo's name ring through her ear as she was suddenly in an ambulance, a breathing mask on her mouth and nose.

she looked around, confused. she was just at the top of the washington monument. she pulled the mask off. "where am i?" she asked the nearby medic.

the medic, who was checking her vitals, looked over at her. "miss rogers, are you okay?" she asked her, pulling her stethoscope out and placing it on her chest.

she sat up slowly. "where am i?" she repeated. the medic tried to get her to lay back down but theo wouldn't cooperate. "you're in an ambulance in washington, d.c." she told her.

the medic looked at her. "it looks like you had a panic attack, but you're doing better now." she told her, shaking her head.

"are my friends okay?" she asked as she unbuckled herself as she started to get out.

"miss we are going to take you to a hospital, please remain seated." the medic told her.

theo shook her head. "don't need it, i'm okay." she said. "thank you though." she told her as she jumped out of the ambulance.

"theo!" she heard someone shout. she looked over and saw peter jogging towards her. peter immediately wrapped his arms around the girl, squeezing her like she would disappear right then and there.

she sighed in relief, holding onto him. "god, pete. i'm so glad you're okay." she mumbled, holding onto him.

peter let out a soft laugh, shaking his head. "you're glad i'm okay? theo, you could've died." he told her, rubbing her back gently.

peter then pulled away, looking at the cut on her face that happened when she hit the elevator floor. "i'm sorry i wasn't there." peter said quietly, kissing her forehead.

theo was about to respond when she heard someone else yell her name.

"theo!" she heard her aunt yell. theo let go of peter and ran over, hugging her aunt tightly. "oh my god, theo, are you okay?" she asked, touching the cut on her forehead that was now covered by a bandaid.

theo smiled. "i'm good, i'm tough, don't worry about me." she said as she laughed. theo wipes the tear that was going down her cheek and she pointed to peter. "um, aunt charlie, this is peter." theo said, grabbing peter's hand.

peter smiled, shaking her hand politely. "it's nice to meet you, i wish it wasn't under these circumstances, but yknow." he told her, scratching the back of his neck.

theo's aunt smiled, greeting him. "well, we better get going, i bet you guys are exhausted." charlie said and they said goodbye to peter.

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