Chapter 1: Just Us

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7:36, Thursday

Ruth sat peacefully on her bed and read a book, not just any book, it was her favorite. It's called "The Mystics" and it's basically about mysterious incidents and mythical creatures. As she was reading the book, the door suddenly slammed open. "RUTH!" the girl yelled as she jumped on Ruth's bed, "Tell Yuna that I'm right!". Ruth sighed and put the book by side. "What did she do this time?" She asked-may I add, slightly annoyed.

"It's not what she did," Luna stated and looked at Yuna. "It's what she did NOT do."

"I simply just forgot!" Yuna argued, "people make mistakes once or twice, you know."
Luna crossed her arms, "Not 'only once', you forgot to pay the bills for the like three thousandth time!"

Now it was Ruth's turn to speak. "Again?" she asked, frowning. "Ugh, just leave me alone!" This time Yuna crossed her arms.

They stayed like this for a few seconds and Ruth eventually realized how late it was. She jumped up, getting the girls attention.
"PABOS!" Ruth shouted as she pushed the girls out of her room and shut the door close. "Ow!" Yuna who fell on her butt, let out a weird noise.

"She's turned completely crazy now," Luna sighed, as she stood back up. "No. I did not turn crazy," Ruth yelled from inside the room, rolling her eyes. "You two are just too pathetic to read the clock!"

"Uhm," Yuna frowned, "How can you read a clock?"
Luna and Ruth both mentally face-palmed.

"What do you me-" Luna's eyes widened as she took a look at her watch. She ran back to her room, closing the door behind her. Yuna was left there confused. "I really have dumb friends," she sighed. "Maybe they're on their perio-". "WE ARE NOT!" Luna and Ruth both yelled at the same time.

Soon Ruth exited her room. She now wore her school uniform and had her hair tied up in a ponytail. "I'd advise you to also change," she told Yuna who still stood there, dumbfounded. Ruth sighed, dragging Yuna along to her room. "If you didn't notice yet," she said, "We have to show up at school in just a few minutes, otherwise we'll get suspended on our first day."

Yuna was about to say something as realization hit her but it was way too late because Ruth had already thrown Yuna into her room, making her fall onto her butt again. She let out a quick groan, knowing she wouldn't have much time. After a few minutes, Ruth and Luna were done waiting impatiently for Yuna.

"What's taking her so long?" Ruth asked as she opened the door. "Don't know, probably her make-up," Luna complained. "What?" Ruth frowned, stepping out of their apartment, "Since when does Yuna use make-up?"

Luna shrugged, "Wait, what are you doing?".

"I don't know about you," Ruth said, "But I don't have all day to wait for her". With that, she walked away, towards school.

"Sorry Yuna," Luna looked back at Yuna's room before also exiting the apartment. She closed the door and ran after Ruth, "Hey! Wait for me!"

"Hey, guys!" Yuna stepped out of her room, finally done, "I'm done!" she looked around but the girls were nowhere to be found. "Guyyyss?".


Hey, my name's Luna, yeah THE Luna. I know, I know, it's cool to meet me and all but I- wait what? don't know who I am? Huh, really? Are you sure? OH, you don't know tha- ohh.. That explains pretty much... Well then, I'll tell you a bit about me and my friends.

Okay, so there's me, Ruth and Yuna. We've been best friends for a long time, I think since we were about 3 years. Our parents also knew each other from school, they told us they were also best friends since they were young cause their parents--oh yeah right, it's about us. Hehe.

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