Chapter 5: They Are BTS?!

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"Tomorrow is the day of the audition," Ruth mentioned, facing the two who were sitting next to her. They'd decided to go for a nice night stroll and ended up sitting down in their close-by park. Night has already taken over the day and it was all dark. They were still practicing a bit. When someone scared the living shit out of them from behind, "So, you are the three mystics? 

The three adruptly turned around.

It was the seven boys again.

"What do you want now?" Yuna asked, crossing her arms. The boy Yuna dealt with last time, stepped forwards. He had the exact same smirk plastered on his face like last time. "Well, we wanted to see, if the rumors were true," he simply said, mimicking Yuna by crossing his arms. Yuna looked back at her friends, indicating that she wanted to go. Luna agreed and was about to turn around to go. "Yeah, we're pretty trendy right now," Ruth argued, shrugging, "So what?"
One of them walked towards the boy who stood in front of Ruth, "So," he started, hands in his pockets, "We just wanted to let you know that you won't win the audition anyways" Luna groaned, "What makes you so sure of that?" and walked to Ruth. "It's just," said another boy with broad shoulders (we all know who), "We know the team, who are also judges, pretty well"
"Wow, congrats?" Shrugged Luna, "Now if you excuse us, we'll go, bye" The girls got their bags and were about to go.

"We're BTS"

The girls were frozen and stopped their tracks. They turned back around in synchro. "You're.... What?"
The boys were either laughing or smirking, "Yep" laughed one of them who seemed like their leader, "We're BTS"
The girls were shook, they definitely didn't expect some idiots like them to be BTS, aka the team they wanted to get in. "No way" gasped Ruth on which the boy with mint hair answered, "No shit Sherlock"


"I can't believe it!" Yelled Luna into her pillow, "I told you it wasn't a good idea to sign up for that ass of a team!" She was laying on the couch in their apartment, Yuna was sitting on the windowsill and Ruth was sitting on the floor. "Hey, don't think too negative about it yet" encouraged Ruth, "Maybe we'll still get in because they see how good we are!" Luna looked up with a 'Are you serious?' look on her face. "YeAh maybe they still want us in their team!" Yuna tried to cheer her up. Luna sighed as she sat up, "Yeah sure, maybe we even become friends"
Someone suddenly knocked on the DOOR. The girls looked at each other, "NOT TODAY!" Yelled Ruth and Yuna at the same time. Luna sighed, "Fineee" she stood up and walked to the door.

"Who could be knocking on our door at this hour?" Asked Ruth, turning to the hallway. Yuna shrugged, "Maybe the FBI?" Ruth frowned, "Yeah, you're blond" Yuna Was about to yell something but Luna interrupted her. "But how did you find us?" Luna questioned, walking towards the couch. Ruth and Yuna soon noticed that Angie and Hana were following her, "Yeah uhm, on snapchat yknow" chuckled Hana. "Oh hey guys!" Ruth greeted the two girls.

They kept on talking for hours, about anything which came up their minds, even about frogs. They also told them who BTS is in case Hana and Angie didn't know. Soon it was really late, "I think we should go now." Yawned Angie. Ruth nodded, "Yeah but it's really late, be careful" Hana and Angie nodded, "Of course."
Luna suddenly jumped up, "But, what if you stay?!" Hana also jumped up, "Oh my God, you mean a sleepover?!?" Luna nodded harshly. Both of them jumped around and started dancing. Ruth and Angie were just laughing at them but Yuna joined Luna and Hana.

They ended up pretending to be judges and dancers. It was the perfect sleepover.

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