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After some minutes of thinking and writing, Jimin got most of the assignment complete. It took a lot of courage to write something about someone who looked up to him. Especially since the person is gone. Shit, he almost shed a tear writing about that goofy kid.

He wrote his last period on the paper and let go of his pencil completely. He looked at his palm to see shades of purple and pink covering the surface of his hand. He let out a small sigh and looked over to see Normani smiling and removing her warm hand away from his shoulder after tapping it. "Hey, what are you writing about?" She politely asked him before scooting up closer with her chair, leaving the random girl at her desk, to roll her eyes in annoyance and continue with her paper.

"Oh, um...it's about a friend of mine." Jimin shrugged and stretched his arms. "Oh, is it finished yet? I'd love to read it!" Normani smiles at him again before making full eye contact with Jimin, making his face go red. "I'll let you read it when it's finished, I'm not done yet." Jimin says, giving her a weak smile before looking back down at his palm, he couldn't make eye contact with her for shit. "Okay, I'm gonna continue writing with my friend, see you after class!" She says, making her exit after giving Jimin another touch on his shoulder.

Soon after class, the teacher took the papers back to review what every student had so far. Jimin was not aware that would happen which left him nervously fiddling around while Mr Smith skimmed everyone's papers in silence. He assumed that when it got to his paper and when it was time to be dismissed, it would be like some kind of movie. Maybe something like: "everyone may go, Jimin you stay here, we need to have a talk." Which is something he absolutely hated with all his heart. He didn't want to talk with any teacher, he just needed to get his grades up so he could get out of that hellhole and make his mom proud of him, again.

"Class dismissed, don't forget to bring in your homework tomorrow or it's detention." The Teacher yelled, causing the small wave of the children in the class to pile up by and out of the door quickly. And surprisingly, Jimin wasn't called to "have a talk" with Mr Smith. His prediction was wrong I guess.

Jimin shrugged and stood up, throwing his book bag behind his back while exiting the classroom to make his way to his locker and out of school before anybody could even socialize with him about anything or anybody. He put his headphones on and made his way on a bus to his hometown, he had to visit somebody.

Jimin sat in a seat on the bus quietly and observed the people around him, he saw an elderly woman weakly standing near him with flowers in her hand and suddenly felt bad. She needed the seat more than him, Jimin stood up and tapped the lady's shoulder. "You can have my seat if you'd like ma'am." He said, giving her a weak smile. "My goodness! Thank you so much, theres rarely any polite young men like you around anymore." She said, sitting down. "Where are you heading down to?" The Lady asked Jimin. "Oh, the graveyard. I'm going to visit a friend of mine." Jimin said, lowering his voice a little bit while scratching his neck.

"I'm sorry to hear that baby, I'm going to see my husband, he passed too." She said. "I'm sorry to hear that." Jimin sighed.
"It's okay, we lived a happy life together while he was still alive. Take this, it's for your friend." She took a Rose from her bouquet of flowers and gave Jimin a weak smile while handing it to him. "Thank you, Well this is my stop, thanks for the rose, again." Jimin smiled at the lady before walking out of the bus doors.

He held the rose in his hand while walking into the graveyard and to where Jungkook had been buried. Jimin sat down in front of the tombstone and placed the Rose right in front of it. He started talking to him about what was going on in the world as if he could actually hear him. He told Jungkook about how Namjoon was doing, about the school change, about Normani, but the one thing he had left to talk about that was he was trying to find the guy that ended his life, he couldn't dare tell his little brother that he was on a hunt to try to hurt somebody.

He checked his phone to see that he'd been there for an hour and that his mom probably has that wack ass police officer at his house as he speaks. He said his goodbyes to Jungkook before standing up and walking himself back "home"

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