Glares and Stares

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I was walking around the University, trying hard to ignore the stares and glares that were mostly coming from girls. I felt very uncomfortable and I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me in it. Was it because of my hair? I mean I'm not the only one who has dyed hair in the University. I literally saw a girl with green hair, and I don't see people staring at her as if she was an alien or something.

I could feel the bad vibes coming from the stares, and I'm starting to get very pissed off. Can't they just stop staring and continue with their business?

I walked towards the football field, to sit there for a bit until my first class begins. I sat on a bench that was in front of the football field and took out my phone from my bag with the earphones. I put on my earphones and put on loud music to live in my world for a bit, but before I played the song, I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I looked up and found a pretty girl who had short dirty blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. She was wearing a jeans skirt, pink top, with a short jeans jacket, and she was carrying a pink purse.

"Hey. May I help you?" I said awkwardly.

"Hey, I'm Sonoko Suzuki. You must be new, right?" She said smiling , offering her hand.

I shook hands with her and said, " Yes I'm new and my name is Kazuha Toyama,"

"So I heard that you were riding Heiji Hattori's motorcycle. Is it true?" Sonoko asked me. I looked at her with shock. Could that be the reason people were staring at me the whole time? Because of HIM.

"Yeah.. He's my roommate, and he owes me, that's why he dropped me off here," I explained to her because didn't want people thinking that I'm his girlfriend or something.

"Oh my god! Are you serious?! You're his roommate?!" Sonoko exclaimed, "Do you know how many girls wish to talk to him just for a second, or even wish that he could at least remember their names?! He's like the super hot. He and his best friend Shinichi Kudo."

I rolled my eyes, "Girls only would like him because he's handsome and his looks, but for your information he's personality is shit. HE IS A PLAYBOY!"

"You mean a bad boy." Sonoko corrected me with a smug on her face. "You know you're in bad luck now. All the girls are so jealous and they would do anything to make you feel uncomfortable,"

"Yeah, I kind of noticed their glares," I replied.

"You do know that Heiji Hattori and Shinichi Kudo are very famous in the state, right?" Sonoko asked me.

"What?" This is too much. Am I actually living with a famous person, or is Sonoko just playing with me.

"Yes, he and Shinichi are famous detectives. Now, I'm sure you don't know anything about him. Am I right?" Sonoko asked.

"We didn't really have time to get to know each other. And how do I believe you?" I asked, eyeing her suspiciously.

She pulled out her phone from her purse. I stared at her waiting for my answer, until she showed me her phone. I gaped at the screen. I read the title of the report: 17 year old Heiji Hattori solves a murder case of a woman who was poisoned. OH. MY. GOD. How could a 17 year old solve a case.

"That was four years ago. He's 21 now, but he still solves cases with Kudo Shinichi. " Sonoko said as she took her phone back. I looked at my own phone to see what's the time.

"So he's three years older than me," I said, "Look I gotta go. Class is about to start. It was nice meeting you."

"It was nice to meet you too." Sonoko said with a friendly smile.

After four hours, I got out of class and called Heiji so that he would come to pick me up. As I was waiting for that stupid guy to come, some girl came up to me. She was the same girl that Heiji was making out with before and she was glaring at me. I could feel bad vibes surrounding her, it's like her whole atmosphere was dark and gloomy. She just kept glaring at me so I decided to talk, because I started feeling very uncomfortable.

"Take a picture, it would last longer for you to stare at," I said with a resting bitch face.

"You are that girl, that caught me and Heiji making out right?" She asked me, "Are you a distant relative or something?"

What in the world is this girl asking? Thank god I'm not related to that detective freak.

"No I'm not, I'm his roommate. So technically I live with him. " I answered her.

"YOU WHAT? ARE YOU KIDDING?" She looked at me with wide eyes. "Listen freak, since you're living with him, you know that his is so hot and stuff and that he's so smart, and he is practically very famous in the state, so of course you have intentions with him, but I advise you not to. He's mine and don't even think about him being with you. You're so ugly anyways. He would never be interested in a girl like you,"

I was so furious at her, but I had to hold back and not slap her hard. How could she say that to me? I regret the day that I felt sorry for her when she was making out with Heiji.

"First of all, I'm not interested in someone like him. Second of all, he's not yours because when you were making out he told me that you're not his girlfriend, and he looked very uninterested in you. He's just using you as a tool. Third of all, if I liked him, which is never happening, I wouldn't like him because of his fame but his personality. Grow up you immature." I yelled at her.

She looked at me with the stupidest expression I've ever seen in my entire life.

Suddenly my phone stared ringing. I saw the caller ID. Speaking of the devil, it's Heiji. I declined, knowing that he's waiting for me in front of the university's gate.

I picked up my bag from the floor, and I was about to go, but that idiot had to say something.

"By the way, your hair is ugly. This color doesn't suit you at all,"

"Well, Heiji said that it really looked good on me, and it made my eyes stand out more," I said that to tease her and left her, going to university's gate.

"What took you so long, idiot?" Heiji said glaring at me.

"You just had to wait for five minutes stop complaining,"

"I have friends who are waiting for me,"

"Whatever," I said, rolling my eyes on him. He's so impatient.

After we arrived in the parking lot, and got off the motorcycle Heiji said, "By the way, my friends are in the apartment waiting for me, so don't even think about doing something," 

"Whatever. It's not like I'm in the mood for doing something," I replied.

"Mhm." Was his only response.

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