Chapter 1 : The Hogwarts Express

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Hermione's P.O.V

As I got to the Platform 9 3/4 I could see all of my friends, exchanging pleasantries and welcoming each other to the new school year, which will hopefully be peaceful for once. I then spotted Draco Malfoy smirking at me. This definitely would not be peaceful...

I waved goodbye to my aunt and ran to Ginny and hugged her and then Harry, before I could say hello to Ron, that stupid ferret strutted towards us all.

"What do you want ? Malfoy !" Ron spat.

Draco looked at Ron and simply said "hello, how are you all" which confused everyone slightly. What ? No weaselby, scar head, or mud blood ?

Before I could reply, I was pulled onto The Hogwarts express by Ginny. "Hurry up Mione ! We are going to miss the train."

"Oh okay, sorry. What's wrong with Malfoy today ?" I asked. Still slightly confused.

Everyone shrugged and shook their heads as we all sat down in our compartment.

Harry sat with his arm around Ginny, while I sat next to Ron. I still hadn't forgiven him. However much I wanted us to be friends again, he broke my heart, I ...

"Hello, may we sit here with you ?" Luna interrupted my thoughts.

She stood in the doorway wearing mint green jeans, and a sunflower yellow hoody, with some strange hat (apparently something to do with Nargles). Typical Luna style. Behind her stood Seamus and Neville. I believe they are dating. Her and Seamus ..

"You can sit here, I'm just leaving!" I didn't want to stay here with Ron any longer, I think Ginny realised and gave me an apologetic look.

As I was leaving, Seamus and Luna sat down, and Neville followed me out into the corridor. I quickly realised that it was because of how much he liked her.

After the Great War everyone thought him and Luna would be together. Unfortunately not.

Neville's P.O.V

"Are you ok Neville, I know how you must feel." Hermione always had a way of making me feel better. She held my arm softly in order to comfort me, and then wiped a tear that I didn't know I'd let out.

Everything Luna does affects me, I don't understand why. I also don't understand how she can be with finnigan, he repulses me. I thought he and I were friends.

Hermione pulled me down the corridor to try and find a compartment. On our way I tripped over something. Of course, it was Malfoys leg ... I sighed and kept walking. " McGonagall is looking for you two. What have you done this time?" Draco sneered.

Ugh I hate him so much, I was hoping he wouldn't return to school. Mainly because I hated his guts, but also because him and Luna seem quite close. I don't like that.

Hermione and I eventually reached McGonagall's compartment and sat down. "Ah hello you two, I hope your both well. I have called you here because I want you to be this years head boy and girl!"

I just looked at her dumbfounded. "You want me ? To be head boy !?"

McGonagall sighed, "Yes Neville, if you are ok with that. And Hermione ?"

Mione and I nodded and smiled. I was extremely excited, I will finally be recognised in the school, and not for the stupid, clumsy boy everyone sees me as. We talked about duties for what seemed like forever, then we finally pulled up to the station. Oh how I've missed this place ! As we jumped off the train, Mione and I met up with the others, who had began talking to Hagrid. I am so happy I'm back.

Draco's P.O.V

I stepped off the train and took in the amazing smells and views. This was one of my favourite places to be. It makes me feel safe, even after what happened, I still love it. I'm glad mother let me come back, it still doesn't feel right being home.

"Dracooo !" Pansy ran to me and gave me a hug.

Even though she annoys me, I hugged her back. She is my friend I guess. All of my Slytherin friends, well the ones who had returned to hogwarts, followed me out of the train, and we walked together until we reached the great hall and took our usual places.

I glanced over at the Gryffindor table and could see 'the golden trio' and friends, I smiled at them, which got me some strange looks. I don't really care, I feel bad for what has happened. This doesn't mean I don't hate them though.

After all of the boring, usual business happened like announcements and the sorting ceremony, we ate. A lot of people including myself noticed that there was a significant lack of first years, but I'm not complaining, I hate those small disgusting children. The food here is much better than I remember, however it may just be that recently I've begun to appreciate food a lot more. I have come to appreciate a lot more things actually. It's like I see the world in a different light. I quite like it.

My thoughts were interrupted by McGonagall speaking "I hope you all enjoyed our first meal together and hopefully you've made some new friends. I trust that your housemates have been kind in welcoming you to the school. Now before I send you to your common rooms, I would like to announce our new head boy and girl..."

When she said this I was hoping it would be me, it would be nice to have some authority here, and I would like people to see me for more than an evil, ignorant boy I've been told I am. It turns out it is Granger and Longbottom, to chose him over me is absurd, but I am somewhat happy for them.

After announcements and more talking we went back to our dorms. I was glad to walk into the Slytherin common room, I've missed this place. A lot. Going into my dorm was great, I love it in there and the train journey here always tires me out.

Thankyou so much if you have read this. I've never written a fanfiction before so I know it won't be that good, but I hope you are enjoying it. Hopefully it will get better

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