Chapter 2 : The First Term

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Harry's P.O.V

Today was the first day of lessons. I was excited to go back to potions class, it was always one of my favourites, but first we had alchemy.

"Morning !" Ron said as he exited the bathroom, his vivid red hair dripping from his shower. I smiled and found my robes to get ready.

Once me, Ron and Neville where ready we made our way down into the common room. Here we met with Hermione, Ginny, Dean, Seamus and Parvati.

As Ginny ran to me, we kissed and I  noticed she looked especially beautiful this morning. Her Red Locks in neat curls fell perfectly onto her back. Her perfect figure was showing through her robes. Her delicate, radiant face illuminated by her huge smile, which I love almost as much as her glowing blue eyes.

We held hands and made our way to the great hall for the first time in what felt like years. It was strange to walk back in there after so long, it was also weird to see everyone in their robes. It was a good kind of strange though, it makes me think of all the good memories I've had here over the years.

Looking around made me happy. I saw friends, classmates and new faces, every single one of them were smiling. Everything was back as it should be. Well not quite.

There were empty seats where I knew people should be. One next to George, it's my fault his twin brother and best friend is gone. My fault. I will never be able to bring Fred back.

Ginny squeezed my hand tighter and led me to our seats. It felt good to be back here. I felt 11 again, here with all of my friends. Not a care in the world.

As I look up I see Draco Malfoy strutting towards the Griffindor table. Oh dear...

Draco's P.O.V

I finished my breakfast and told my friends to stay there as I stood up and walked to the Griffindor table.

Potter glanced up at me, a threatening look on his face. "What do you want Malfoy?"

I shrugged and sat opposite Harry, with Ginny to my left, and George to my right. Everyone around us glared at me, I wondered why, I've done nothing wrong!

"How are you all then?" I asked with everyone still staring.

"We are ok I suppose" Granger spoke coldly while everyone around stayed silent. I sighed at their ignorance, picked up an apple, and walked away. It was time for alchemy class!


That term went pretty fast, and it was just like any other. Lessons, detentions, homework. We all just kept to our usual groups and got on with our work.

I made no further attempts to make amends with 'the trio', they don't seem to listen and all I seem to manage to ask is how they are.

Although I am so lucky to have my Slytherin friends, and I do have a great time with them, I just wish I could have the Griffindors too.

I've made a lot of mistakes in my life. One of the big ones was being unpleasant to them. They didn't deserve it, I guess I've always been jealous of Harry.

I'm sorry this has took so long to update.  And I know this chapter is terrible! I have so many ideas but they are for later in the story. Thank you all so much <3

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