Chapter 4- Rory

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Now what with all of this going on I failed to notice something major. By all of this I mean the last 4 years or so. Something that if I'd noticed I could have maybe nipped in the bud and saved someone special to me so much pain. Because I was too preoccupied with obsessing about Adam I wasn't alert, I was focusing all my energy on thinking about him, my whole life revolved around him and I couldn't see any further than him.

I still feel bad that I didn't notice because now that person who is dear to me is having strong emotional problems because of what I accidentally put them through.

Now when you hear what it is you will tell me "oh Saphy it isn't your fault, you didn't do anything" but that's the point; I didn't do anything, and that is why it has got so far. That is why someone I care about isn't focussing on their own life, but wasting time on mine.

Ok, remember earlier i mentioned someone called Rory? Well this is about him.

My mum met Rory's mum when we were babies, at a support group for new mothers called Tea Group. They got talking I guess and just hit it off. It turned out that Rory's family also lived in Fembeshire, in fact just 5 minutes down the road from us! As we started growing from babies to toddlers, and then toddlers to children together, a strong friendship was formed. When we reached 4 we joined the local primary school together and were the best of friends. Even back then, even though we were only 4 I remember Rory saying to me whenever we said goodbye "see you at the church!" Even if I didn't remember it I'd still know because mum brings it up every now and then just to tease me and make me squirm.

As time went by and we moved from children to slightly older children Rory and I slowly grew apart, as I made new friends and he reached that stage where boys and girls can't be friends, then he moved out of his house down the road and moved 20 minutes away. For a year or two everything was fine, we were no longer friends but it didn't bother my childhood self.

After maybe 2 years, me and my best friend (who was Jayney, Adam's sister) became quite close friends with a boy named Felix who lived down the road from us. Felix was quite an intelligent boy and maybe slightly pompous but we didn't mind, he was fun. On weekends we'd go round his house and play games and talk about intelligent things and pet his cats. And during the week we'd go to our local Cub Scout troop together in the evenings, which is where we first became friends with him. Because I was preoccupied with my two best friends (although Jayney was always my bestest friend) I didn't even notice that Rory was there too. That might be because Rory and I hadn't spoken in years so I didn't exactly know him.

Now might be a good time to also mention that Adam was there as well, however this was during the time that we weren't really speaking, although during activities I would sneak glances at him.

One evening we had been told to get into small groups for a hike, and naturally Felix, Jayney and I had gone together. Then I felt a timid tap on my shoulder. When I turned around I saw a rather nervous looking Rory standing there. "Er, hi Saphire, long time no see!" He stuttered. I was silent and didn't reply as I was a little bewildered why he was talking to me, so he went on anyway "um, I was talking to Felix earlier and he said that I could join your group," he mumbled more to himself than to me.

"Oh yes sorry Saphs I forgot to mention I told Rory at school he could tag along with us," Felix stated apologetically. I raised my eyebrows at first Felix then Jayney, they raised them back communicating "oh well, we can't exactly tell him no, I'm sure it'll be ok." So we let the overly eager to please Rory tag along.

The next day at school Jayney and I were sitting on our bench eating lunch, "hey what did you think of Rory last night?" She inquired.

"Um, he was ok, a bit keen but well meaning, what about you?" I replied half heartedly. "I actually thought he was, er, quite, er, nice..." She mumbled quickly. I stared at her inquisitively, "Jay, you aren't starting to like this boy are you?" Her face flushed an unhealthy looking vermillion.

"Umm, no I barely even know him! I just mean that if Lix was to bring him along again, I wouldn't mind..." She hurriedly said.

I was about to start teasing her and find out some more, when Lix came into view striding rapidly towards us. I quickly changed the subject as I knew Jay wouldn't want anyone else to hear this. "Hi Lix, are you ok you seem a bit flustered?" I said. He gave me 'the look' and mouthed 'sorry'. I was a tad confused about what was happening, and then I saw a shy shadow hovering behind Felix; I understood. Maybe Jayney was psychic, or maybe she just wished very hard and it came true- behind Felix stood Rory.

From that day forward Rory tagged along with us every lunch and break time. At first he was very quiet and only spoke when directly spoken to, making things a bit awkward, but then slowly he came out of his shell. I think Jayney really helped him, whilst Felix and I were arguing about something amicably, she would go and sit next to Rory and talk kindly to him, she even made him laugh once! Gradually we all became best friends and next time we had to get in groups at Cub Scouts Felix, Jayney, Rory and I automatically went together as a 4.

It was after maybe half a year that Rory had been with us, that signs started showing. I can't remember exactly how it happened but it turned out that during their little 'talks' whilst Lix and I debated, Jayney and Rory had grown very fond of each other, extremely fond in fact. And one day they got together. I remember just before it happened i kind of sensed it, so I took Lix and led him away to 'talk to him about something important'. He was quite angry I'd done that.

They were quite a cute couple; they were for a while anyway. They started off fine, but Jayney is quite an awkward person and gets a bit panicky in intense situations. Unfortunately Rory is quite an intense person, he talks right in your face. And whenever he tried to kiss her she would panic and walk away. She did eventually kiss him and when she'd let herself do that their relationship improved a bit. But it just wasn't meant to be. She didn't like the pressure of everyone knowing about them, and he (although didn't admit it to himself til later on) wasn't fully committed to the relationship, and didn't love her anymore. However neither were brave enough to break off the relationship- it was like break up chicken.

Eventually it was moving up to secondary school that did it, although she didnt like it she could cope with our primary school class knowing, but the thought of attending a new school with 1000 new people to meet, terrified her into ignoring him. On the first day we got the bus in together and met Felix by the cafeteria, when Rory walked up, "Hey Rors! How was your summer?" I smiled at him, giving him a brief hug.

"Great thanks! Hello Jayney," he replied softly, eyes twinkling, leaning in to kiss her. She lowered her head and looked away. Felix and I looked at each other alarmed. "Saphs I need to go find someone, come with me?" Jayney asked forcefully. As we were walking away she whispered "I can't do this anymore..."

After several weeks of ignoring and rejected attempts of affection, they decided to end it. Unfortunately that kind of shattered out friendship, right down the middle. Although Jayney, Felix and I had always been better friends, Lix felt obliged to go with Rory as he was the one who brought him into the group. We didn't really hang out with them anymore. That just shows how fragile friendships are and how destructive love is; it doesn't just hurt those involved, it is a grenade and when it terminates it burns anyone close to it.

Although he didn't really love her anymore by the end, when they broke up he was quite upset. Maybe half a year later at a scout camp he spoke to me again, "Why Saphs, why?" That was all he said.

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