Chapter 3- The World

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A few days had passed and the Swan girl had come barreling to the Reservation in her red truck. Grace had stayed with Billy and Jacob, helping the younger boy with homework. "I'll handle this.", Grace nodded and she looked at Jacob, "You don't have to hide, Jake. Sam can't stop you from seeing your friend.", he looked at her, "I need to see him. Where is he?", Grace sighed but then glanced up, "Oh no.", she left Jacob's room and ran toward the front of the house, "What did you do? He didn't want this!", Grace ran into the yard and paused behind Bella, "Bella, stop!", the brunette turned and looked at the younger female, "And you! You came to me as a friend!", Grace frowned, "Because I am a friend, Bella. Now stop. You're going to get yourself hurt.", Bella noticed the worried look in her eyes and frowned, but Paul had stepped forward at the hostility toward his imprint, "What did he tell you?", Bella spun, "Nothing because he's scared of you!", she raised her hand and slapped Paul, Grace gasped, "Bella! Run!", and the girl ran as Paul shifted and jumped, the girl jumped over Bella and shifted, taking the hit. Paul growled and Grace stood in front of Bella with a growl, though smaller than his. She didn't want to fight him, but she would. "Bella! Grace!", Paul tried to jump around Grace but she used her powers and threw him toward Jacob, who shifted and tackled the silver wolf into the woods. Sam looked at his sister, her voice filling the heads of the five left, "Sam, I'll need help. Embry, Quil, Jared; get her to Emily's.", they all nodded and Sam shifted and helped his sister run after her ex and her imprint. She glanced at Sam as they ran, "He's going to use this as a chance to get at Jake, you know that right?", Sam made a sound of agreement and they ran faster as they got to the two. Grace going straight to Paul, she whined and Paul gave a small yip. Jacob and Sam has already shifted back, now they were waiting. Paul needed to calm down, he did and Grace softly smiled, and Paul snorted. "Shift back you dork.", she made a sound of disagreement and her voice filled his head, "Do you really want Jacob to see me naked? I didn't really get the chance to tie my clothes up.", he huffed, "Take my shorts.", and Sam sent him a look, "Idiot. They will literally swallow her. Just, come on. Put your pants on. I'll have Em bring Grace some clothes out to the porch.", and the group of four walked back to the Uley house.

Bella frowned when Sam, Paul, and Jacob walked in, "Where's Grace?", and said girl walked in, tucking in her shirt and giving a smile, "I had to dress. How are you? You didn't get hurt did you?", she walked over to Paul and sat on his lap, "Did he apologize?", she sent him a look and he sighed, "I'm sorry, Bella. It won't happen again.", Jared made a whip noise and Grace threw a muffin at him. "I'll beat your ass, Cameron.", he laughed and she rolled her eyes as she grabbed a thing of bacon and ate it, "Walk with me.", Grace looked at the pale brunette, "Scream if you need saving.", Bella chuckled, "I'll keep that in mind.", Grace smiled as Paul kissed her neck and she grinned down at him and gave him a soft kiss. "Gross take it else where!", she snorted, "This is my house you idiots.", the group laughed and Bella softly smiled at the small family.

Bella and Jacob had walked away from the Uley house and Bella glanced at Jacob, "So, I spoke to Grace. You dumped her.", Jacob sighed, "I did. 10 months ago, actually.", Bella frowned, "Why?", he sighed, "I don't know, but it was better in the long run, for both of us. We would have broken up anyways because of Paul.", Bella frowned, "Why because of Paul.", Jacob softly smiled, "She is his imprint, and he is hers.", Bella frowned, "What's an imprint? Like love at first sight?", Jacob nodded, "Yeah, kind of. Uh. It's more than that.", Bella looked at him, "It's not gravity holding you down to Earth anymore, it's her. Or well, him. You become whatever they need you to be, a protector, a friend, or even a lover. Emily is Sam's imprint and it caused some problems for awhile. Jared imprinted on a girl in his class named Kim. And Paul and Grace imprinted on each other. It's supposed to be a rare thing, imprinting, but 4 of the 6 of us have imprinted. I'm honestly just glad that Paul and Grace imprinted on each other. It would be awkward if they hadn't of.", Bella softly smiled, "Imprinting sounds like a soulmates thing.", Jacob nodded, "Yeah, it kind of is in simple terms.", they walked for a bit and Bella looked at Jacob, "Have you imprinted?", Jacob shook his head, "No, I haven't. But part of me wants to. It hurts to see Paul and Grace together, and I guess I know what she felt now. And she left because of it. Well, because she couldn't control herself. So she left to protect us. I mean, you saw Emily.", Bella nodded, "What happened?", Jacob sighed, "Before he imprinted, Sam was engaged to Leah Clearwater, Emily's cousin. He met Emily a few weeks before the wedding. He tried to stay away, I know he did. And Grace, she stayed with Leah all the time. She was the Maid of Honor after all. Paul was the Best Man, it's kind of funny how it all worked out. Ten minutes before the wedding, Sam called it off. Leah was devastated. Grace took over and called off the wedding and then stayed with Leah, she talked to Sam and Emily but she was disappointed. But she knew that he couldn't help it. Her best friend was hurting though, and she didn't know how to help her. So she stayed by her side. Leah hasn't been the same since. Emily tried to stay away from Sam, and one day, he snapped. She was too close. Sam has never forgave himself for it.", Bella frowned, "Then why did Grace fight Paul for me? She could have hurt him.", Jacob softly smiled, "Grace isn't a normal wolf. She was a witch first. As a witch she's caring and a protector. As a wolf, she's a protector but she's hot-headed. Her emotions control her shift and her magic, but she's under control. She stopped Paul because she knew that if he hurt you, you could die for one, and because she knew he wouldn't forgive himself. She's hot-headed and sarcastic and annoying, but she's an amazing girl.", Bella looked at him, "Careful Jake, it sounds like you love her.", Jacob smiled, "I do. She's my best friend.", he heard a whoop and he glanced at Bella, "Why don't you head home, I've got Patrol tonight with Grace.", Bella nodded and watched as Jacob ran back to the Uley house and she heard the laughs and the cheers from the small group.

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