Cold Night-Analogical (Virgil x Logan)

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This chapter will mainly just be fluff! I promise the next one will be smut!😂😋

Logan's POV

I had woken up a lot earlier than I usually do, it was still fairly dark outside. I had a throbbing headache and I felt achy all over I could feel pain in my throat. I quickly diagnosed myself, I was getting a cold and of course on the day me and the other sides film a video with Thomas! I felt horrible, I sat down on the couch and began to read a I had recently bought, then I heard someone come down the stairs leading to the living room where I was sitting. I turn to look at who it was, Virgil well that's odd why is he up so early usually he sleeps in until noon?!

He looked at me confused and asked "why are you up so early" I looked at him and raised an eyebrow "I could be asking you the same question" I could tell he was still half asleep by the way he rubbed his eyes after I replied. "But if you really must know I believe I'm coming down with a cold, which inevitably caused me to have an unpleasant sleep" he looked at me stretching a little and said "I have some cold medicine if you want any" I shivered and moved a little trying to keep in as much body heat as possible.

Virgil's POV

Logan looked miserable, I walked back up to my room I grabbed my favourite heated blanket and cold medicine. I walked over to Logan plugging in the heated blanket, I draped it over him and turned it on the highest setting. He looked at me surprised but I could tell he was a lot more comfortable now, I measured the right amount of medicine and handed it to him. He drank the medicine and looked at me, he gave me a look I've never seen him give me before I looked away blushing, "Virgil if you wouldn't mind I would deeply appreciate someone to cuddle with!"

I was shocked I've never seen this side of Logan before it was cute, I smiled and said "okay" I walked over to him and sat down on the couch next to him. He nuzzled his head against me like a little kitten I put my arm around him and pulled him closer, "you must find this extremely odd behaviour for me, but when I sick really like affection" I looked down at him smiling "I'm not like this with anyone Logan this is odd behaviour for me too" giving him a slight hint at the fact that I had a crush on him!

Logan's POV

Even though I'm very experienced in relationships, I believe Virgil just told me he had feelings for me! I looked at Virgil and asked "Virgil did you just admit you have feelings for me" I saw Virgil's whole face turn on bright red "u-um yes!" I was surprised, after I had come to the conclusion that I had feelings for Virgil a couple weeks back I just figured I had no chance with him, he'd probably fall for Roman or Patton they are both much better with feelings than I am!

"Virgil I-I have something to confess as well" he looked at me rubbed my back and said "okay go ahead" I look away and cleared my throat "I-I also have feelings for you Virgil!" His eyes lit up with excitement, he looked so happy "s-so are we like a-a thing?" I raised an eyebrow and turned my head slightly, "what do you mean by thing" Virgil looked down at me sweetly and said "like boyfriends" I thought a smile start to form on my face, "only if you are all right with the relationship" he tilted my chin up with his free hand so we were looking eye to eye "I'd love to be your boyfriend Logan!"

Virgil's POV

I looked at Logan smiling then out of nowhere Logan kissed me, at first I froze then I slowly started relaxing into the kiss. He pulled away and said "was that appropriate sorry if I violated your personal space" I smiled and fluffed his hair "oh no I shouldn't have done that now your going to get sick" I chuckled and said "that kiss is worth getting sick over!" I kissed him on the for head, I laid down on the couch and motioned for Logan to laid out in between my legs. He crawled over and laid down, "I-I love you Virgil" said a visibly tired Logan "I love you too Logan" I felt him relax, soon enough he was fast asleep I felt myself drifting off it was comforting to have Logan near me!

Lol I know I said it'd be smut but I felt like making something cute!😂😋
Next time will be a smut I promise!
Sorry for any spelling errors.
And I hope you enjoyed the chapter!
I'll see you guys next time bye! 😁👋

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