This is my LOTR board game I got from a second hand store.
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And I can't believe why someone would throw such a precious thing ( Myprecioussss)! When I opened the box, it was hardly even touched! All the little things where all together, and there where things still in foam and plastic! I can'tbelieve someone would do such a thing! I decide to play it with my brother. So I read the institutions (which took like an hour to read and get it). We played it and we completed it ( I totally didn't cheat when we got to Mordor) *Does an evil grin*.At first, it was soconfusing! Than at the end, I still don't 100% know how to play it. It is still very fun.
When I was a little kid, we had/have a PlayStation 2 that was my dad's. We had a few games on it. And one of them was The lord of the rings:The return of the king video game. I would have shown you a photo of it, but I can't seen to find it's location in the house )':). I don't know why, but all the lord of the rings games I have (which is just 2) are so hard and confusing. Me and my brother don't know what to do on the part where we were at Gondor and there was a battle, after we killed all the orcs (or when we think we killed all the orcs) we don't know what you are supposed to do after that. If any of you know that game and have played it and have got passes that: PLEASE TELL ME HOW! I NEED TO KNOW!